She was perfect for me in everyway, from the way her personality with mine made it easy to converse with her to every thought that passed through her head. My perfect one. And then... well... i screwed up. I can't say how or why because either she'll see this or her friends will and they'll be mad... but anyway, i screwed up. In so many ways, like thinking she actually wanted to be with me to death, like she wanted to marry me of all people, but being besides the point. I had broken a couple of my few self rules...
Trust no one
Don't get attached
Rely on no one
Share your feelings with no one
Don't bother anyone
Feel nothing
Be nothing like everyone knows you areI suppose you can see where those go, but the story here doesn't start with us falling in love, no no no, it starts at the fuck up and the honest life i hold after it.