Someone tagged me?!

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Ok so I was tagged by MoonWolf_0128 to do some 13 question-y thingy

I'm sorry, I'm a day past the 7-day timer/deadline, but it's only 2 so I'm not that late. since I just noticed I joined wattpad a year ago I thought "awh f*ck it, it's 'bout time I started a story anyways" So here I am, "writing" the first segment of my first story a little last 2 least it's summer so I don't have to worry about being tired during class.

Ok so here are le rules 4 all y'all who r curious and for all the peep that r tagged at the bottom

1) put the rules in any available book u have

2) must tag 13 people

3) answer the 13 questions that are asked of u then make 13 new questions for the people u tagged


5) don't think about skipping the rules either the evil baby bunnies shall find and eat u if u do

6) your have 7 days to do this

Now onto the questions and my answers

1. What's your favorite color?
My favorites color are silver and purple. It's a tie between the two

2. Do you play an instrument?
No but I'm thinking bout self teaching myself the guitar after I move

3. If you had $1,000,000 to spend in one hour what would you spend it on?
I would spend some of it on books, some on figurines, and probably some on clothes but if I had more than an hour then most of it would probably go towards my college fund or saving for when I buy a house or car.

4. What kind of super power would you have?
If I had super powers I'd probably have the power to stop time

5. If you could bring one TV character alive who would it be and from what show?
I'd probably bring the 10th doctor from Doctor who, Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock, or the twins from OHSHC. Idk can't decide

6. What's your eye color?
I have brown eyes

7. Favorite fruit?

8. What was the last movie you saw?
Man I haven't watched a movie in a while....I think I last watched My Neighbor Totoro

9. Do you play a sport?
Nope, I'm a couch potato

10. What's your favorite show?
Probably Doctor who

11. What's your favorite drink?
It's this Brasilian soda called Guarana Antarctica

12. If you could have one super power what would it be?
The power to have all super powers

Whale that's all 13 questions

The people I challenge/tag are

Y'alls questions
1. favorite sweet?

2. Favorite book/movie quote and what from?

3. What is one fear that you have?

4. Do you like the night sky?

5. Can you describe one thing/moment really intensely? If so then please do?

6. If you could see one person who would you see?

7. If you could only save three things from your room (beside your phone) before a fire engulfs them what would you save?

8. Does being stabbed hurt more than being shot?

9. What's your favorite subject in school ?

11. If you could meet one celebrity/artist/character/other who would you meet?

12. Cat, dog, or bunny?

13. If you could would you be a neko?

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