Chapter One

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As mentioned earlier, this is based on what would happen if Izaya was free from the shackles of Ikebukuro.

Let's have a little view on izaya

Who is izaya? Izaya is simply an individual thou is anything but a simple man, Izaya Orihara is a powerful and skilled underground information broker. He usually gives information for his own enjoyment,

Izaya claims to 'love' the humanity, however his definition of love is different from what a person might normally assume this 'love' of his does not hold any romantic feelings towards any individual but izaya 'loves' them for their reactions, expressions, yes he loves to put them in a situation where he could test them to simply see how they react.

he greatly enjoys putting people in enjoyable or chaotic situations in order to observe their reactions. With a thorough understanding of human behavior and tendencies, he is able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy.

Izaya is cunning and very charming, but his manipulative nature prevents him from making any genuine or lasting bonds with others. the love-hate relation he had with his sisters might be the closest he has to a normal relationship.

He has a very jolly and mocking personality, speaking informally with most people as if they are close friends and often using nicknames

He even talks like a girl on occasion, especially online where he actually does pretend to be female. He plays on both sides, so that whoever wins, he will have an advantage.

Although Izaya enjoys conflict, often showing up wherever there is potential for one, he usually stays out of it, preferring to observe the fight instead of directly taking part in it.

However, when provoked, he quickly puts his opponent in his place by simply proving his superiority without actually beating the other person. Therefore, he is usually seen as the one starting fights but hiding in the shadows instead of directly taking part.

People consider him a psychopath, creepy or whatever thou that doesn't bother izaya. He doesn't care what people say or think about him or maybe he does but won't show it?

People often describe Izaya as "dangerous," however he instead confirmed that he was not "dangerous," per se, but more like "unstable." He's a person most of the characters, himself included, could never trust, because they never. Knew what he could or would do.

If you him for a reason for his doings he'll simply say he did because he adores human beings, thou with the exception of shizuo heiwajima and his sisters.

Let's continue to what happened

Towards the end, Izaya decides to end his rivalry with Shizuo once and for all. He tracks Shizuo to a large warehouse on the edge of town and continues to observe the situation from the roof of a nearby building.

Izaya also holds the controls to a large crane holding a large group of steel beams. He watches Shizuo confront Kasane Kujiragi and Varona (who had been hired as her bodyguard) about Celty's sudden change. In the middle of the confrontation, Izaya signals for the crane to open, dropping the metal rods on top of Shizuo.

However, Varona notices this and manages to push Shizuo out of the way. Izaya then pulls out a sharpened piece of pipe and throws it at Varona like a spear, injuring her severely. As Shizuo attempts to tend to Varona's wounds, Izaya calls him on his cellphone.

Izaya taunts Shizuo about his attempts at trying to seem human. Shizuo let's Izaya talk and after he is done insulting him, Shizuo simply tells Izaya "Goodbye" in a calm manner before hanging up. As they both meet face to face for a final fight.

Shizuo and Izaya fight. Izaya sets traps for Shizuo, but these are just cover. By various means he had the oxygen from the building removed such that Shizuo now winds up suffering from oxygen deprivation and goes down on his knees. Izaya then very cautiously sets the roof on fire.

Celty's shadow comes down from the sky and douses the fire. Shizuo has punched a hole in the floor to escape. He bats Izaya away with a metal pole.

Izaya crashes into the building beside. When he regains consciousness he runs for it; Shizuo jumps straight down the building to follow. Shizuo is rather calm throughout; he doesn't raise his voice once in this fight.

Izaya and Shizuo reach the area. Everyone steers clear. Shizuo's show of strength overwhelms the Saika crowd. Izaya is fighting Shizuo head-on for the first time. 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' - except he isn't making much damage for the amount of energy he's expending.

He stabs Shizuo, except it doesn't go in. By carelessness he doesn't make it in time to dodge one of Shizuo's punches, and blocks it with both arms - this is possibly the only reason he survives.

Both arms are broken. Further internal injury occurs. Shizuo picks up a vending machine for the killing blow.

Aoba says that even if Izaya loses the fight and dies, he wins anyway, because he gets to prove Shizuo is a monster.

"Do it, monster," Izaya says, but he gets a knife shot at him by Varona, which buries itself in his side. Varona is about to shoot and kill Izaya in Shizuo's stead, because she's already a killer, she's already a beast, and Shizuo is not.

However, Varona's attempt to kill Izaya is thwarted as a flash grenade goes off - from the Russian chefs, who've escaped just in time to intervene.

Izaya was rescued by Manami and Kine. Due to ongoing events involving Celty, his stab wound is sealed by her shadows in an attempt to 'fix' all the trouble she has caused by existing among humans.

His next scene is him waking up in a car being driven by Kine with Manami in the backseat. Kine wants to take Izaya to Shinra, yet the Informant requests to leave the city even if he won't survive the journey.


Izaya went missing from Ikebukuro. Two years have passed marking him as 27 and missing.

Izaya is known to be working now in some region of Kanto, not yet willing to return to Ikebukuro.

Seemingly continuing his work as an informant, Izaya is seen in the prologue talking on the phone to a salaryman who intends to murder his co-worker for monopolizing the company they were supposed to share equal ownership of. Izaya had helped back him on this, providing him with the information that helped push him to his decision. It's only after the salaryman commits the murder, that Izaya calls him to explain that his co-worker only left him out of the company because he had gotten it into some illegal activities and didn't want the salaryman to be held responsible.

Izaya goes on to taunt the salaryman a bit, calling the murderous path he chose 'very human' before hanging up and throwing away the phone.

Izaya has mostly healed of the wounds made in his last fight with Shizuo, but cannot walk correctly and his arms are still weak and cause him pain. He needs a wheelchair to move around, even though rumors say that he might be able to walk again with therapy. Even so, Izaya is apparently not willing to do anything about it, as he claims to accept his state as a reward of his loss with Shizuo.
Author's Note:

Hey guys! First chap is here! Sorry for it being boring I wanted to explain all of this. Don't worry the story will be more interesting forward! [Get this story 50 views for next chapter]
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