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"Worthless! You fucking did this! I wish you was never born, you piece of shit!"

You cried out to your father to stop, but he didn't. He only started to beat you harder. You curl yourself into a ball, and tried your best not to scream so he could stop. He wasn't done. He started to kick you, punch you, spit on you.

You struggle to keep your eyes open. The smell of alcohol filled the room, making it hard to breath because of how strong it was.

Is this it? Is this how you're going to die? In the hands of your own father, beating you to death?

"(Y/N)..... (Y/N), wake up!!"

You woke up with a sudden jolt. You see your best friend, Angel, right beside you. Your dog, Bolt, was right next to you, wagging his tail. Your cheeks were stained with tears.

"(Y/N), are you ok? You were screaming again." Angel ask you, worryingly. You shook your head no. Angel hug you. "Its ok sweetie, you're safe here. Away from that monster."

You hug Angel back, sobbing on her shoulder.

"Okay. So, do you- Ow!" Angel yelped in pain. "Dumb dog!"

You giggle. Bolt had bit Angel's tail. "Bolt, let go." you commanded. Bolt let go of Angel's tail and smile, wagging his own tail.

"Well, I'm going to be late for work. You're sure you don't want to stay home? You know Grillby won't mind. You know how he is."

You shook your head. "No. Besides, I need to pay my side of the rent. I didn't pay it fully last time."

You push Angel out the door telling her she'll be late for work.

As you lock the door, you sigh and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Bolt follows behind, his collar making a jingle sound because of the tag.

You made yourself a sandwich and pour yourself juice. You ate half of the sandwich as you gave the other half to Bolt, who gobble the sandwich quickly.

You put on a pair of black pants, white shirt, and black vans. You grab your bag and keys. You took Bolt out one last time before heading out to Grillby's. You had the afternoon shift, 5:30 to 8:15 pm.

When you walk in, some of the people, including monsters, greeted you with a "hello" or "hi". You wave at them as you went to the back and into the staff room.

Grillby was there, and also Maxine and Blake. "Hey (Y/N)." Blake greeted you. "Hey Blake. Hey Max."

Max just wave. Grillby gave you what it seems like a worry look. "Angel told me what happen this morning. You don't have to be-" "No, I need to. I need the money to pay the bill." you cut Grillby off.

Grillby sigh and got up to go back and attend to the bar.

"Well, nice way to start off. " Blake commented. "Shut up." you said. Blake chuckle and took out a cigarette. She looks at you. "Want one?" she ask.

You scrunch up your nose, which cause her to laugh. Max sigh. "Don't you two got jobs to do?" he said. You look at the time.

"Nope, it's only 5:25. My shift starts in five minutes" you smirk, being a smart Alex. Max groan as he left to help out in the bar.

Blake finish off her cigarette as went through the back door, crush it with her foot outside, and came back in.

"I'm going to start serving customers, see ya." Blake said. She put on her apron and went through the door.

You sigh as you put on your apron too and grab a pencil and note pad. You also grab your phone and put it in your pocket.

-time skip-

You was wiping a table. Blake left a few minutes ago and so did Max. Grillby was attending the bar, and there was a few customers here. You look at the time. It was 8:05 pm.

You finish cleaning five more tables and went to the staff room. As you were getting ready to leave, Grillby came in.

"Hey (Y/N). Look, I know you're about to leave, but do you mind closing up the place? I got a urgent call from my wife, and I need to get going. You don't have to, I can close up-"

"No, it's cool. I can close up for the night" you said. Grillby gave you a worry look. "You sure? I mean, I can-" "I said I can do it, don't worry." you said, cutting him off. You send him a small smile, reassuring him.

Grillby sigh and handed you the keys. "I close up around 8:45. Please be safe." he said. You nod your head.

When Grillby left, there was only a couple of monsters and people.

There was the usual customers, but then there was this one guy sitting in a booth. He had a hoodie over his head, and he hasn't order anything.

He gave off a creepy vibe, but you ignored him.

When it was 8:42, you urge the customers to leave, which they obliged.

You locked up the back door and lock the front. You double check to make sure.

Since you didn't want to use a cab, you decided to walk. After a couple minutes walking, you heard footsteps behind you. You decided to ignore it. Every time you turn a corner, the footsteps were behind you. You decided to walk faster.

The footsteps were still following behind. That's it. You made a run for it.

You sprinted as fast your legs can take you, and the person chasing you wasn't far behind.

You was slam against a wall. It was the guy from the bar, with a hoodie. His breath reeked of alcohol. The same way your father's breath reeked.

You tried to call for help, but he slap you and covered your mouth with his hand. "Shut up, you whore!" He whisper yell.

You bit his hand. "Gah!!"

You try to make a run for it, but he grab you and slam your head, hard, against the wall.

You felt dizzy, really dizzy. Everything around was spinning. You wasn't sure if you was going to stay awake or go unconscious.

Before the guy could do anything, a blue aurora surrounded him. He flew away from you and into the wall. You fell from where he pinned you.

Your vision was blurry. You was going unconscious.

Before you went unconscious, someone pick you up and said something.

"Geez, you alright kid?"

1107 words

Life Isn't Fair, Kiddo -Sans X Abused!reader-Where stories live. Discover now