Her Prologue

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Hundreds of corpses lay on the field as their blood stained the once green grass red. Young, old. Male, female.

'Why did this happen?' I thought, 'Why has the world turned dark?' A gulp interrupted me from my thoughts. I turned around to meet my companion, Ajax. In a undoubtedly depressed voice, he spoke to me.
"You have to understand Amya," a moment of silence passed, "No one can fix this mess, not even you."

I nodded. Ever since 3000, humanity had drastically changed. A series of events had happened which left us up to here.

First was the plague. Plague spread quickly over continents out of nowhere, killing 1/3 of the human population. Then animals started to go instinct. Plants started to die. Resources were limited. Which leads us up to now, which is known by the 80,000 people left as 'The War Age'.

Where everyone fights to stay alive.

Where people have developed paranormal abilities to slaughter others.

Sometimes, we ask ourselves,
why am I still alive?
What am I even fighting for?
Shouldn't I just kill myself?

But then there's that little flicker of hope that pushes you forward and tells you,
"Everything is going to be alright."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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