The End

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Once Upon a DREAM...

A mermaid fell in love with a human Prince and became his bride in his castle above the waves...turned human by her Mer-King Father she lived a long and joyful life.

Once Upon a DAY...

A mermaid fell in love with a human Prince and became his bride in his dungeon above the waves...turned human by her Mer-King Father she lived a short and fearful life.

She noticed him sitting on the waves and admired him from afar, with dark emerald eyes. She had never seen a human up so close and curious as she, came to see him everyday. The little mermaid dared to venture closer and Prince spotted her...and he smiled. Blinded by his bright smile, she moved even closer...So close that her green, scaly tail was half submerged in water. Prince stuck his hand out for her and she touched it and left.

She had told her King Father and he raged for days. Finally he came to his daughter and ask her what she wish for in her life, and where her heart and future lies.

She answer, 'With the soul who has captured it'

With deep sadness he took his daughter to the shore and saw who was waiting there....the fair Prince with black hair. The King summoned a torrent of waves to surround him and his lovely daughter to carry them above the waves and onto shore.

The Prince back up a bit before looking at the mermaid and smiling lightly. Cautiously he moved a bit forward. The King looked down at his daughter and reached out his hand to touch hers. The waves around her spun to light blue to purple to a dark red...and out she came.

No longer did she have her beautiful green tail. Instead she appeared with long legs that had a thin coat of scales going down the outside of them . Her toes had a translucent webbing between them and her toenails has a pink tent in the sunlight. Happiness had overflown her as she wobbled over in her new limbs to the Prince, and threw her arms around him with great joy.

The now human girl turn to thank her father but he was gone without a trace...a feeling of dread came over the her but she dismissed it and was married by morning.

For the first few months of her marriage she spent hours walking the beach with her King husband. Every evening they would sit out on the balcony of their bedchambers and look at the vast sea.They would also look up at the stars while one dreamed of unforgettable happiness and the other of vicious moralities.

Slowly, the King shut her off. He would not longer spend long hours with the her or talk with her of sweet things. Infact he wouldn't speak at all, King even went so far as to lock himself within their bedchambers for days without coming out. The girl tried to confront him and speak to him but he refused to leave the sanctuary of the room. Little did she know the King was changing into someone she will not recognize.

King saw visions of things that should never have been seen. He began to dream of past ruling Kings and Queens that lay on their backs staring at him. The weren't normal looking...they were corpses. They had ceramic, pitch black eyes that would suck you into oblivion and make you fall through the cracks. A man sat in the middle of them all on a throne made of bones. You could not see his eyes because his cape of black night covered them. This man in the center had long, pointed teeth that were so sharp they went straight through his bottom lips. After days and nights of these horrific dreams and visions, the King finally left the room.

The King looked ragged, his clothes looked shredded. The black of his hair lost its shine and had grown to a matted mess around his neck. Eyes were bloodshot, teeth were yellow, and face unshaven. This King was reborn. The things he has seen in a short time have changed him into a whole new person. So afraid of death he became mindless and warped...his Queen wife has yet to realize it.

The Queen has noticed her husband stirring and was so delighted to see him, for she has great news that would lift his spirit. Carefully she put down her sewing needle and thread that she had been using and waited. He came to her very rough-looking but she looked past it, and he smiled at her. To bad she couldn't see the real meaning of hat smile. Pregnant, she had told him and as she spoke of their child to come he said not a word. Silently he put his hand on the little ball huddled in her stomach and the small of her back.

"I believe it's a girl" she announced.

"Her name?" King asked.

"Melody..." Responded the Queen with a smile.

Grinning maliciously, the King used all of his force to push in on both sides of her body until he heard a satisfying pop and a scream...and her vision blurred. She watched him walk away and leave her as she fell to the ground.

Time past and she tried to stand, only to fall again. Droplets of blood trickled down her leg into the pool of blood that was gathered at her feet. With clenched teeth she rose and forced her legs to move. Once standing completely she looked over at her big sewing needle and thread. Red eyes, Red hands, Red legs....she grabbed the needle and left.

She went out the castle gate and was confronted by the beautiful sea that was once her home. No one was there to stop her as she ran to the water and walked into it. She collapsed to her knees and screamed with madness. The blood from her legs seemed to multiple in water. In a daze of madness she sat in ankle deep water and grabbed her sewing needle and threaded it with string in a matter of seconds.

Using the pointed end of the needle she went under the bottom of her thigh and pushed the needle all the way through the top of her thigh. Pulling the string to its limit she looped it to the other thigh and did the same...sewing her thighs together. The human girl did the same thing all the way down her long hers. Blood poured from her legs where the needle had violated her flesh.

Hollering in madness for her father that will never come she knew her choice was already made. Changing herself into something she was not was her choice and she is fated to live with the consequences and bring them to her grave. She sobbed and sobbed until she met her end on that beach as the tide took away her blood that had been spilled.

This is a story of a naive, mermaid Princess who longed for adventure that was not of her world. She rejected all she was to be deceived by the curiosity of the world above her, So she lived and died in a barrier between two world. One of where she belonged and the other of where she thought she belonged.

This is the story of a Prince who learned to fear the shadows that lurked within the darkness of death. So afraid dying he became mindless and warped, he was a gorgeous ruler and now he is an ugly corpse.

"Eventually everyone wants to go back to what they were...and forget what they've become"


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