I'm gonna try something simple, Ok 461 Elm St. I'll come just to make sure, but who do I chose? oh Joe the Mailman (JTM), if he shows up before me, I'll kill him. (A couple hours later) *Knock *Knock, "Package for James Reynolds", *James opens door "Here you go sir, have a great day", "Hey James i got your mail..... *Gets shot in the head."(JTM). "You just had show up..... *I go from Joe the Mailman to a man in a mask, James get out here, make this easy for me.......*James shoots at me, I guess not.... * I click C4 charge, the house blows up, now i have to find his body.... *sigh, I told him to make it easy *moves rubble for a couple minutes and finds body, and here's the proof, time to get my money.
*Ring *Ring
Me: It's done.
Payer: Ok. Money is at 247 Trench Way. Locker 247. Code 5-27-30
Me: Ok
Payer: I'll keep in touch
Me: As long as I get my money, I really don't care.