Chapter 10

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"Hello?" Harry says again as neither Louis or me answered.

"He-Hey, mate. Haven't seen you in a while." Louis says Standing up. I watch his carefully as he streches out his Hand for Harry. Harry just Looks at it at first, but after a while he grabs Louis' Hand and shakes it friendly.

"Yeah...Did I Interrupt you guys?" Harry mumbles.

"No, no. We were just talking about, you know, stuff." Louis answers sitting back down.

"What were you doing?" I ask to remove the Focus from me and Louis.

"Nothing much" Harry just answers. I can tell he doesn't want it to tell, maybe it has something to do with Tessa. So, I just nod and smile.

"Styles!" I hear a voice from behind shouting. Louis and I turn around, it's Niall. He runs into Harry's arms, he must be drunk. Harry pushes him away gently, giving him a smile and a short "Hey". Then, he Looks at his friends, well old friends as he said, and he seems very uncomfortable, not knowing how to behave.

"Good to see you're still alive." Niall jokes around. He seems like the only one who isn't uncomfortable, including me. Even if I don't know them or even if I don't have anything to do with their past, I can feel the strangeness and uncomfortableness in the air. You could practically grab it with your Hands.

"Let's go in, it's boring outside!" the obviously drunk Niall shouts into the silence. Everybody agrees and we head back into the living room, which is even fuller than before.

"Hey, are you blind? Open your eyes, god damn!" An angry female voice shouts when I accidently run into some Girl. I look at her, her hair is pink and she wears a black bandana. What does she want from me? It was accidently, god.

"Sorry bitch" I say as arrogant as I can manage. Her mouth Drops open for a second, but then she turns around continuing making out with some random guy. Fine.

I search for Steph in the room, but I can't find her. Instead I notice Niall stumbling around, he doesn't look good at all, he seems very sick because of too much alcohol.

"Hey, Megan come here!" Louis calls me.

"Let's take a Picture together" Steph says smiling and places her phone in front of the small Group of Louis, Steph, Tristan, me and some other Girl I don't know. We all smile into the camera. Then, Steph opens the Gallery to look at the Picture.

"Nice!" she says happily.

When I look at the Picture, the photos of Tessa come in my mind. I look very similiar to her on that Picture, well on every Picture actually. It's the same smile, very scary.

"Where's Niall?" Steph asks then.

"Where is Kate?" I didn't notice her disappearing. Did she leave the Party? I hope not, she would have told me, wouldn't she? I give my uhm.. friends? a one second sign as I walk out of the house, looking for Kate's car. It's still there, thank god. Then, I notice Kate and Niall sitting on that Little brick wall. They seem to be in a deep conversation, and they laugh. That's really sweet, I just didn't Kate to like Boys like Niall, I expected her to like those perfect Hollister Models, or guys like Christian Grey or Edward Cullen.

But I'm happy to see Kate happy, so I decide not to disturb the two of them.

"Hey Valentine" I hear Louis' poking into my sides. I scare for a second and turn around.

"Hey Tomlinson"

For the rest of the night, we Keep partying, it's really cool. Everybody of my "Friends" (I'm still not sure how to call them) Drinks, except of Kate. At almost 2 am, Kate and I decide to leave. Doesn't seem as if the rest of the People here will leave soon, so we may leave early, but we don't care.

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