the shooting

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AUTHORS NOTE:[[ this creative short story writing is in relation to a situation that happened to me when i was younger, some situations, names and places have been changed, but the even itself remains the same.]]


"Mommy can we go to wal-mart" little abby asks walking in the living room. "maybe after i tan" dena said, grabbing her towel and heading outside.

    laying there, weird uncertain fillings rushed over her, like waves in an ocean. "somthings just not right" she told herself. Six sense had always gotten the better of her, but this time it was overwhelming.

    Walking in the house, her eyes meet abbys, all dressed, sitting on the couch, ready to go. "We're not going to wal-mart today, im sry" dena said folding her towel, placing it on the counter for the time being. Judging by the look, she could tell abby would start fussing at any given moment, but instead got up and slowly walked back to her room. Hating to let her child down, a prick of sadness filled her, but somthing just wasnt right.

    He walked in casually, with every intention in his mind ready to kill. Life for him was like a cat and mouse game, and unfortunatly he go the tail end of the deal. All his life had been hard and rough, alittle excitment maybe, robbing a store, he'd get away with it, sure, but the stress, the tention of nowing one slip up, one wrong move, and he was caught. Life was worthless anyway, to him, what was the point really, numerous times attempted suicide, did'nt matter how badly he wanted to die, that still,soft, voice couldnt quit force him to pull the trigger. Maybe he was to chicken to take his own life, but not somone elses, what better way to justify actions than shedding innocent blood.

   Walking in, mind set on the target goal, a mother and child, two completly unaware innocent souls, that would do it, maybe not the electric chair, but life in prison...most defintly.

    He was growing franic, it was wal-mart for christ's sakes, there was a mother and child in this store somwhere, turning an isle, he spots not a mother and child, but a pcture perfect couple, not yet grandparents,but well inproved parents, not what he had in mind, but time was running out, it had to be done now....RIGHT NOW!

    target hit as many thought the store hit the floor like soldiers on a battlefield. Blood seeps slowly from underneath the two bodies..job well done, but slight movement and pained groans, their not dead, panick and fright ser thoughtout, the sound of running,yelling, voices growing louder, he turns to leave knocking a security guard down. Just get to the nearest door and your free.

5:15 pm

    Anxious and scarred out of their minds, dozens of peoepl watch as an EMC places an oxygen mask over the womans mouth, if they hurry, they might save her, her husband however, is gone.

6:30 pm

    Cold metal and ever locked click of handcuffs, thrown in the back of a police car and headed off to an eternity spent in jail.

7:00 pm

    Flipping though channels, ever presently bored, dena tried to find somthing to watch, a good movie would be nice, pausing randomly on the news channel, usually wouldnt get a second glance, but today was differnt, watching a group of EMCs run hurridly around, the location caught her eye, Madison GA...that was their wal-mart. Listening attentivly to ever word " we bring you some breaking news as there was a shooting at the local wal-mart around 5 this evening, a local male shot a couple, the woman is still alive the nam however, is dead."

    Starring at the screen dena calls for abby to come in the room. "abby" dena says, motioning her to come sit, "abby, i want you to look at this, this could have been us, ...i had this filling..somthing just wasnt right...if we had gone that would have been us". Watching her daughter stare at the TV, nowing she was far to young to realize and understand the seriousness of the matter, she could'nt help but smile in thankfulness, that at least for one more day their life is speared. Siliently with a gracious smile she says a praer of thanks.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2011 ⏰

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