Part 9-Aria and Cam Time Travel

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Alex grinned as she bounded into Ninja Ops that morning in her Fire Academy uniform, the rest of the Rangers were already there standing in a circle around Sensei (her uncle), they looked up as she entered giving her a disappointed look for being late. "Sorry I'm late, Sensei" she
bowed in respect.

"Apology accepted Alexandra," the Guinea Pig nodded "now come, I want you to witness this" The middle Katanabe nodded and stepped up beside Tori and looked down at her step ­in Sensei who was standing on a wooden stand in front of a giant block of marble. Hunter, however, looked skeptical.

"No way dude!" he said, shaking his head.

"There's no way he does it"

"I dunno dude," Dustin smiled "he is pretty strong for a little guy!"

"Quiet!" Shane hissed "A little respect for the master!" and the boys fell silent

"Now watch closely Rangers," Sensei said "HIYA!" and he jumped onto the block as it cracked.
The rangers gasped in shock.

"That was radical" Blake exclaimed

"You were saying?" Tori asked, looking across at Hunter

"I stand corrected," Hunter responded. Looking at the broken pieces on the ground.

"But how?" Alex looked across at Tori "The power comes, not from the body, but from the mind" the Blue ranger explained.

"Correct Tori," Sensei nodded. Hunter suddenly clapped his hands together.

"Alright! Im up!" he smiled

"You sure you want to go there bro?" Blake asked.

"Look, if he can do it" Hunter hesitated for a moment.

"Uh...Im going to give my best shot" Hunter kneeled in front of the marble rock, and cracked his neck. He moved his hand in a strange motion, and brought it down on the marble. It was a few seconds later, until he cried out in pain, causing Shane and Dustin to start laughing. Blake threw Shane and Dustin a dark look and shoved the red wind rangers shoulder

"Looks like Rodent: 1" Shane said with a smirk on his face.

"Thunder ranger: zip." Hunter looked up at the red ranger.

"You think you can do it?" he challenged. Shane smiled cockily and signaled for Hunter to move. The Crimson ranger got up and moved to the Purple ranger's side, as Alex looked down at her hand as it glassed over and she grabbed Hunter's hand allowing some of her ice powers to numb the pain. He smiled in gratitude at her, as she mirrored his smile. Shane glared at the two; and turned back to the marble in anger, he moved his hands, before bringing one hand down onto the marble; but
received the same result as Hunter. Tori was next, she waved her hands over the marble has if performing a spell; she hit the rock but had the same result as Hunter and Shane, Alex cringed and pulled her blue ranger friend up as Blake took up Tori's spot on the floor. The Navy ranger had aimed for different technique to his friends. Blake clasped his hands behind his head and brought it down hard on the marble, he groaned and covered his face with his hands as he fell backwards. Dustin tried but ended up with the same results as the others. The only person who hadn't tried it was Alex, and Sensei didn't push her into trying and she didn't volunteer.
"Aren't you gonna try?" Shane asked, once Dustin had moved from the rock.
The Purple ranger shook her head "I know this might sound mean but I am ahead of you all in you're Ninja training," she answered him "I'm still trying to get control of my Samurai Snow Powers, and my samurai powers since they are crossing over and I don't know why."
"The headaches," Tori spoke, as the boys frowned in confusion "it's been the manifestation of your Samurai Powers."
"Correct Tori," Sensei spoke, "Young Alexandra has much to learn as a samurai but now she is learning how to control it; that is why I request her to watch, rather than participate. At least for now."
"I learn more through observation; than I do from participation" the younger teen explained as the boys still looked confused "That and I don't get hurt." and she gestured to their hands and the bruise forming on Blake's head.
"Teacher's pet!" Shane murmured looked at him.
"You have no idea what it is like having to control my samurai and ninja powers since they are opposing forces!" Alex retorted, as the rangers gathered around the Guinea Pig as the purple ranger, cupped her hands together and lifted him onto the ledge around the small library.

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