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Peter Pan ran through the Never Woods as fast as he could. Normally he would fly, but something weird was happening. Captain Hook, who'd been presumed dead, was alive, had a kid, and stolen Peter's ability to fly. He stepped on a thorn and yelped. "OW!"

"He's this way!" A pirate shouted. Peter saw light and pirates coming his way and gasped.

Peter quickly took the thorn out of his foot and kept on running. He pushed past branches and jumped over logs. He heard Hook yell over his head, "You won't get away from me this time, you little brat! I'm supreme and you're just a common street boy with an impossible wish!"

"SHUT UP!" Peter scowled. He felt the sea breeze whip at his red hair. He was getting closer. "TINKERBELL! Tinkerbell, where are you!"

"I'm here, Peter!" Tinkerbell shouted, flying next to him. "But I don't think it's a good idea!"

"You have to!" Peter shouted, reaching the water's edge. He turned around to see Captain Hook flying after him and said a word he wouldn't normally say. "Please, Tinkerbell!"

He spread his arms out to his sides as Tinkerbell flew around him, sprinkling her pixie dust all over him. Peter flew up into the air. It wouldn't last forever but it was good enough.

"Take me to Earth!" Peter cried, kicking his legs to make himself go higher. "I'll be back Neverland! I promise!"


Peter landed on Wendy's windowsill. It was laid out open and he could see her sleeping in her bed. John Darling and Michael Darling were sleeping in rocking chairs near the window, books laid out on their laps, snoring away. The Lost Boys that had left Neverland were sleeping on the floor with spare blankets and pillows. The window was open.

Peter stepped into the room. He walked over to Wendy's bed and pulled out the thimble she'd given him. He'd known what it was from the start but he thought she didn't. Of course he knew what a real kiss was.

Peter sat down on her bed and shook her awake. "Wendy? Wendy?"

"What is it, Peter?" Wendy asked, sitting up. "Is something wrong?"

"Peter!" Tootles cried, waking up the Lost Boys. "Peter's back!"

"I cannot go back to Neverland," Peter whispered to Wendy. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Hook stole my ability to fly..."

Wendy hugged Peter. "Oh, Peter..."

"So, he's ordinary," Slightly said.

"Don't ever say that word!" Peter shouted, standing up. He took his knife out of his sheath. "Ordinary! Why don't I just call you all ordinary?"

"Sorry," Slightly muttered, laying back down on his pillow. "Sheesh."

"You're welcome to grow up," Wendy said. "I know you hate those words but it's the best we can offer."

If you're to be there, I would grow up without objection."

And now we skip thirty or so years. Peter Pan is now forty-three and has a thirteen year old son named Nicholas Lewis Pan with a woman named Jamie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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