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I asked Soonyoung to call our other friends to introduce themselves to Wonwoo.

I am really happy to see Wonwoo here and will be our classmate. I can be with him everyday and be able to go anywhere with him on our free time.

After introducing my friends to him, Wonwoo said that he didn't expect that I have a lot of friends.

I noticed the tone of his voice. I asked what's wrong but he said it's nothing and he's just happy for me for having a lot of friends.

Is he jealous of me because I have a lot of friends?

"Sure hyung! Starting from today, we're friends so let's not be awkward to each other. If you have something to say, just say it to us. Don't hesitate." Soonyoung said.

"Okay! Thanks." Wonwoo smiled.

His smile... I really like seeing him smiling. I don't know if he has major problems in his life but I hope he doesn't have any.

I got curious why he doesn't have any friends. Just like what the librarian said to me, he doesn't have any friends because people find him a very cold guy or a gangster?

I don't see him that way. I found him innocent and kind. Wonwoo is so nice, how could the other people think that he's a gangster?

When our classes dismissed, I saw Chan went to Wonwoo hyung and asked something. I heard they want to tag Wonwoo along this weekend at the amusement park. That's nice!

"Uhh, I don't know. I will look at my schedule later at home then I'll tell you tomorrow if I'm free." I heard Wonwoo answered to Chan.

What schedule? Does he have any part-time jobs or something?

"Wow. I think you're a busy man, hyung! Do you have any works like part-time job or something?" I suddenly asked.

"Oh, no. It's not like that. I don't have any part-time jobs. Just family appointments." He chuckled.

Oh, like family gatherings. I guess.

After organizing our things, Wonwoo and I went outside and walk home together. When we finally reached his house, I looked at it and their house is quite big.

His parents seems not home, so I asked him if he will be okay alone.

"I'm used to be alone so don't worry about me."

Oh... Used to be alone? Does it mean you're always alone and you feel sick of it?

I didn't ask any questions after that. I just told him to text me when he is bored. I am not a busy person anyway.

"Okay then. Take care when you get home." He waved my hands to me and he smiled widely.

Oh my goodness! This is my first time seeing him smiling widely! Showing his teeth.
Damn that smile! He's very good looking.

"Yeah... See you tomorrow." That's only I could say.

I turned around and was about to leave but I still have something to say to Wonwoo. I couldn't help but called him.

He turned around and looked at me. He asked what it is. I said,

"Please smile always."


When Mingyu just got home, he went to his bedroom and changed his clothes quickly. Since he's bored, he took his phone from his bag and sent a message to Wonwoo.

Kim Mingyu: Hyung. You busy?

After a few minutes, Wonwoo replied.

Jeon Wonwoo: No. I'm just lying on my bed, thinking about something... You?

Kim Mingyu: Same as yours. By the way, what time will your parents go home?

Jeon Wonwoo: Around midnight. Yours?

Kim Mingyu: Around 10pm. :) Are you hungry? I can cook food and go there to give it to you.

Jeon Wonwoo: That's nice. But Mingyu, I'm not hungry and it's still early to eat dinner.

Kim Mingyu: Is that so? But if you want me to cook for you, what food do you want? :)

Jeon Wonwoo: Anything. :) Just not sea food. ㅠㅠ

"Not sea food. Why? Is he allergic or what?" Mingyu mumbled before replying, "Why not sea food?"

Jeon Wonwoo: I just can't. My stomach is weak. ㅠㅠ

Kim Mingyu: Is that so? By the way, I'll be back. I'm just going to cook food for myself because I'm already hungry. ㅋㅋㅋ

Jeon Wonwoo: Okay! Eat well~

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