The Prince And The Grapes

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Once there was a prince who was the nicest person in the kingdom. His father though is a very nasty person, and whenever the prince tried to give money to the poorest people the king would snap and punish both the boy and the poor. One day, the king got tired of the prince's nice doings and locked him down in the castle dungeon. The wealthy of the neighbors got suspicious of the prince's disappearance, and the king got scared they would hire a lawyer. So, the next day he called all the people in the kingdom for a meeting. He told the people that he put two grapes in a bag, one purple, one green. He would have the prince pick out a grape, and if it was green he could live; but if it was purple he would be killed. Then, he went into the dungeon to let the prince out. He also, when he thought that no one was looking, sneaked two purple grapes into the bag. What he did not know, was that the prince knew about the two purple grapes. He was let out, and lead to the people. After the whole ritual, the prince survived. Being the nice soul he was, he did not want to embarrass his father and tell the people what he did. So how did he survive?

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