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Hoseok's POV

I felt very happy and excited when Eun Bi agreed to go to school together. I don't know why but I felt my heart beating fast whenever I see her.

I woke up and felt very excited for today. I happily took a shower and then fixed myself ready to go.

I looked at my watch and decided to go to the bus station near at Eun Bi's area.

I plugged mg headphones and listened to my favorite musics. I've waited her almost half hour then I saw here waving infront of me.

I gave her my sweetest smile. I walked towards to her.

"Hi Eun Bi! Good morning~.....And to you too Jungkook" I greeted Eun Bi and I noticed that Jungkook is with her.

"Good morning Hoseok" Eun Bi greeted me and Jungkook just gave me a nod.

We waited for a bus. After we hopped inside the bus I found an empty seat so I grabbed Eun Bi to sit there. I smiled to her and she gave me a smile too.

I felt Jungkook poking my arm.

"Dude, I'm here too." He said and I just giggled at him.

After a short ride we finally reached our destination. We walked towards the gate of the school and as usual many girls are staring at us.

Eun Bi excused herself to us so we just nodded and continued walking.

Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi and I are classmates meanwhile Eun Bi, Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung are classmates even if Taehyung ALWAYS skipped school.

Before I attend the first subject I remembered that I forgot my book at the small house. I was about to walk towards the small house. I saw Eun Bi entered the house. So, I decided to peeked through the window.

I saw her scanning the bookshelf but suddenly went to the dining area. I can't see what's going there so I waited her to go back at the bookshelf and then I saw her walking while carrying Taehyung towards the sofa.

I gulped my own saliva. I decided to watch the happenings here.

Eun Bi seems panicking and then she took a bowl and a first aid kit and then she sat on the floor positioning herself infront of Taehyung.
I watched her while she cleaned Taehyung's face.

"What the hell..." I said whispering when she suddenly stopped and stared at Taehyung's face.

I shook my head harshly.

"No, she's just helping Taehyung" I said to myself.

And then my phone suddenly vibrates. Jungkook sent me a message. I ignored the text message and continued to watch Eun Bi.

She's so lovely and kind. She has this kind of style that other girls don't have.

And then, my phong rang

"Yeah? Okay. I'm on my way. I just bought a snacks for later." I hung up and then I decided to go back.


Taehyung's POV

Yesterday after I helped Eun Bi to go to the school clinic I decided to passed by in our house to change clothes.

I secretly went inside without the maids and security notice me. I ran towards to my bedroom. I took a quick shower and dressed up.

I heard a knocked and heard my father's voice growling outside.

"fuck" I hid at my closet and then my father entered to my room searching for me.

"Kim Taehyung! I know that you're in here! Show yourself or you're dead! We have an appointment right now. If we didn't go I need to book the schedule again! Aren't you going to show yourself? Guards! Search for him!" My father shouted with a very angry tone.

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