The True Meaning Behind the Word Love

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Just think about it,

Like seriously just think,

Love is such a powerful word,

It can change your life,

Someone elses life,

It can change how you LOOK at life,

It's so weird thinking,

One word can change all,

How it can bind you with another person for life,

Or it can turn things upside down,

Some may laugh at the word love,

Thinking it's something stupid and only girls want it,


The sensible ones,

Will look at it through my eyes,

Seeing it as another door that any person is willing to take,

There's different kinds of love,


A connection between two people,

You can love a teddy bear for goodness sake!

A bed,

A bedroom,

There's so many reasons behind love,

That's why I think it's the most interesting most thrilling most EXTRAORDINARY word,



I could go on forever,

But I'm planning to end this love poem and get on with my life,

Like playing with my cat,

That's love ain't it?

Next time you say you love someone and your a teen and in a relationship,

Just think,

Do you REALLY love them or are you just saying that because your young and you want someone?



The True Meaning Behind the Word LoveWhere stories live. Discover now