An introduction

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  On Mystreet, the house with the address of 66 got a shocking surprise on a day called today. Laurance, Travis and Dante were eating food in kitchen because reasons that I can't explain cause I dum while Garroth(my senpai!#nolookiecookie)was on Wattpad reading #Garmau fanfics. Just then someone went hockey at the door so someone had to get the door. The dudes couldn't to it because they were choking on Poptarts. So Garroth pauses his fanfics and opened le door. Outside, it was a thing.

It was he. He had the most golden tan in the world. Yet, his skin was so fragile that one smack would leave him tumbling. His eyes were as red as ketchup on spoon, with spices gently mixed in. His hair was like Skittles threw up and he grab the puke and put it in his hair. It was brown, green, red, and yellow. His smile was so white, all the Travi will be like,"Dang Girl!!" He is what we all love deep inside our kidneys. He's name is Steven. Steven is a....


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