delayed chapter

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Author's Note:So you might have or not read chapter one but i deleted many things and i put in new one so the main idea and conflict wont go so fast and have time to really create a great story so yeah and i know. that i gave out some spoilers things but no worry this part will still be add on too... i'm just extending it a bit so it'll fit around 2 or 3 more chapter so i have a longer story and yeah.. also this chapter is under editing and its delayed so yeah if you read chapter 1 this wont make any sense even tho it's chapter 2 just bare with me for awhile and i'll now write my story on paper first and then type. (lesson learn)  thx and have a wonderful day  

                                                                                                                                     -Stefie <3 

Victor's Pov

I never knew that such a girl who cares so much for her studies and get good grades could get dentation. I have to admit it was a Jacka** thing to get her in trouble. But come on, her look on her face and how she reacted over this was priceless. Even the whole class brust out in laughter when she left. But somehow...It felt so wrong. That's not of concerned. I'm rambling off my problems like if I was a girl pathetic...but for reason their something about her that's different from the rest.

Alexa Pov

I look over at Miah as she look back at me " Miah, I know were best friends but trust me. I won't get In trouble" she nod. "I know Alexa, I'll just wait here out for you. Plus you know me, I wouldn't mind missing any of my boring classes" I smile and said a 'okay'. I made my way over to the Principal office. I took a deep breathe and turn the knob as I walk in. Ms. Clairton look up at me and a raise a brow. "Ms. Hernandez....such a surprise too see you here and getting in trouble on the first day of school? Huh?.Please take a seat" she said pointing to a chair in front of her desk. I nod and sat there, "Aunt Jess...I'm sorry I just irrated-d. Any Well-l I-I-I..." I said stuttering after each sentence I said. Ms. Clairton put her hand " Alexa, you know Its Ms. Clairton at school. I also heard enough." I stay quite and then spoke up, "sorry Ms. Clairton" "Now. You know I can't just left you off the hook just because were family. So I can't have you have dentation on your record. So I need you to come after school and help out." I nod. Then she continue, " I also don't want this to happen again from a student like you. Wouldn't want your mom mad." I nod again. She smile" very well.You may leave". I got up and open the door as I saw Miah coming in falling to the floor. "MIAH WHAT-T WERE YOU DOING?!?!" Miah quickly got up, "I was looking at the clock I swear" I cross my arms, "you were looking at the clock by listening through the door?" She nod but then thought and sigh" pretty stupid right...?" "Yeah". Ms. Clairton clear her thoart "always such a eavesdrop Miah." Miah turn completely red and put her hands in front and shook them while shaking her head "No...Ms. Principal Clairton. It's not like that..-" She just laugh a bit" Its okay Miah...but you girls better get to class" We both nod and left. We said our 'byes' to each other as we parted our ways. I headed to my 2nd period. As I smile seeing it was English ;my favorite class. I walk inside as I told the teacher that I was with the Principal. She nod and pointed to a open seat. I sat down relief as I heard someone talk. "Hey Jack, look who we have by us" Oh no I thought. I turn behind me as I saw Victor with a huge smirk " What's wrong not happy to see me?" I roll my eyes "Can You quit already. You got me in trouble already" "Aww... Did Miss.Goody Goody almost cry for getting in trouble?" He said. I look at him, "aww, cocky much?" I said mocking his tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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