I seen her and my heart stop she was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. The way she sucked the life of the kaperse sun, I wonder if she could do the same to my manjina. The thought of it made it tingle in a way i have never felt before. I could slowly feel myself turn white at the thought of what i could do to her or better yet what she could do to me. I moaned really loud I tried to stop it but it was too late. Florez looked at me.
"Was that for me?" he asked with smirk,
"Uh... why wou-" I started to reply but he cut me off
"Over course it's me I mean who else would it before." he said feeling himself.
"It's for Talia Bro." I said he walked away looking sad but i didnt care.
My ass had pliers in them the way it stretched, raw, made me cum for the 1579 time that night. The way Talia stood over me in that way only she could.
She shrunk herself to smurf size and jumped into my asshole. When she did that the pliers flew out of my asshole and she got crushed to death.