Yellow. A simple color. One may ask you to describe yellow with out saying just "yellow". How could someone do such a thing? It's obviously got to be impossible to describe yellow.
Imagine a color that feels like a child's first kiss on a warm summer day. The color that shines on to her hair and she giggles from embarrassment. A color which the girls dress illuminates in the sun. It's the color you see when you think of a short redhead girl in overall jeans and a baby blue teeshirt smiling on the Fourth of July as she holds an ice cream cone. And the color of the ice cold lemonade you buy in the summer from the kids down the street. Its the color in your heart as you finally move on from your ex and are excited for a first date with a new suitor. It's the color of the roses on the bank of the river and you gently cascade across the waters in a canoe listening to the birds sing their beautiful melodies. A color which reminds you of spring time, and being in a Forrest, hearing the buzz of bees and the sunlight illuminating the grassy ground while laughter fills the air as children run to the treehouse, it reminds you of the smell of summer wind, fireworks, and camp, it's the color that your sunglasses give as you watch the baseball game from the bleachers. It's the color of the record that spins in the machine as you slow dance to soft jazz in a baby pink sundress. Its the color of the dandelions in the farmers fields as you ride your bike down the path under the trees while the wind blows through your hair and you feel free and alive. It's the color of happiness. The color of bliss