Chapter 1: A Fortunate Encounter

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A/N: This is my first time writing on wattpad so bare with me. This story will also later contain SMUT! Didn't get the message? SMUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll also be yaoi so... 1. If you find it disgusting well f*** you, please leave. 2. If you don't feel comfortable reading it then I respect your decision and wish you all the best luck finding other stories to read :). (Also please tell me what you think, even if it seems boring.) I changed the characters ages since I didn't want so much of an age gap.

Eren's P.O.V.

"You know, maybe you should stop running and let me beat your ass in, fag!"

"Maybe he'll enjoy it; he's always getting dick up there anyway."

The thugs kept laughing as I sprinted down the dark alley. Mikasa told me I shouldn't have gone out alone but being the asshole I am I told her to fuck off; man I regret that now!

"Running won't get you anywhere," that smirking bastard was still following me, with his friends not far behind. Those overly whitened teeth stayed burned into the back of my mind even when I looked away, and those piercing brown eyes that scanned my body like an object, remained pinned to me despite my best efforts to ignore it, to forget what was happening. Maybe if I had taken a different route it wouldn't have turned out like this.

'Shit, a dead end!'  I realised in horror that I had nowhere to run from them now. My hands pressed hard against the wall as I spun around to see the assholes that still persisted. The rough stone scraped across my hands, leaving an unpleasant feeling. I felt myself shiver as I drew my shirt, which had already been unbuttoned by those pricks, over my exposed chest.

The leader moved closer and grabbed me by the chin, "You're a naughty boy Jaeger, being out so late, guess I need to teach you a lesson," I felt the others move to restrain my wrists and run their hands through my hair. "Hmm, I wonder what your mother would think of this," a stinging sensation hit as he bit down on my ear.

I felt tears begin to creep down my cheeks as I had my shirt ripped off of me and tossed to one side as his hands travelled down lower.


Before I could even gather my thoughts I found myself slipping to the floor as a, rather short, dark figure kicked the creeps across the alleyway and had them running for their sorry little lives. But just as I was about to hit my head on the cold wall I felt the arms of the mystery man catch me and pull me in close, "Are you alright?" They were the last words I heard before falling into the dark abyss.


I opened my eyes to find myself in a familiar room. My room! Gasping, I sat up and instinctively felt my ear; plastered over. But through the gauze I could feel the presence of that asshole's bite. It made me feel so filthy.

"So you're awake now brat?" I looked up to see the man who had saved me from those thugs, "Oh good, you live to see another day."

My mouth opened in shock and remained agape as I realised who my saviour had been; Levi Ackerman, son of my father's boss and fellow millionaire, "Wha-when?" I spluttered, not quite knowing what to say to this man of authority. My breathing hitched as he moved closer and began tracing my flustered cheeks with his slender hand.

"Are you embarrassed that I, of all people, saw you like that last night?"

My cheeks had to have been redder than Rudolph's nose by this point. No one, I mean no one, expects to see Eren Jaeger in such a vulnerable state, let alone being bailed out by an Ackerman. The average person sees upper class families to be selfish, cruel and unforgiving; our families could definitely be classed as such. 

Shivers seemed to waltz down my spine at his light touch, moving straight to my tailbone and unfortunately somewhere else. Once again my breathing halted as he bent down to whisper in my injured ear.

"That's a pretty deep bite there Jaeger, too bad I couldn't have inflicted it myself."

Again the shivers danced, this time doing the polka.

"Maybe it's in need of some further inspection," his voice vibrated across my jaw as I felt his breath hit my cheek. I could feel my palms begin to sweat as he unpeeled the plaster from the wound and smirked at the site of my bloodied ear; this time the shivers began the salsa, making their way to my most private areas. He gently moved to suck on the cut flesh, adjusting his hands to hold down my own. He must have heard me let out a whimper as he started to suck harder and leave small nibbles around the initial laceration, his tongue tracing the edge. I swear I must have had a fully pitched tent in my pants by the time he finished. I felt one last, small nibble on my right ear before he pulled away for air. I was still in shock as he stood up and smirked at my frozen face, my mouth falling open in surprise. Defeating my reaction time once more he latched his mouth over mine and began to kiss me harshly, dominating me and wrapping me around his fingers, yet somehow the sensation of his lips felt sweet, almost as if the seemingly harsh aspect of it was a lie or mask. I could taste my own blood in his mouth but somehow that only made my issue bigger. Slowly he trailed down my jaw and to my neck, leaving miniature love bites as he went, sucking and nibbling at my neck as his left hand travelled down south, his right hand sinking down from my shoulder and onto my chest. His stray hand began to slowly tease my crotch as he focused on leaving marks on my neck; I let out a soft moan as he increased the pressure being applied to the lower area. When finally he did pull back I stared up at him with hazed eyes, my flushed face causing me to feel dizzy and hot.

"So, brat, how about we make a deal?"

"Huh?" I replied, still trying to recover from my trance and foggy head.

"I said, how about we make a deal, shitty brat. I'll stay quiet about what happened to you last night, on the condition that you tell no one about what happened just now."

I nodded slowly, man my head was starting to hurt.

"Good. Now, you may want to do something about that problem you're sporting." And with that he was gone, and he seemed to take the air with him. A moment later my eyes widened as I realised what had just happened in my room, which again drew my attention to what was happening in my pants. I lifted my hand up to my ear; it still felt moist from his intrusion. Once more I was reminded of what was making a home in my pants by a slight throb from my member. I sighed in frustration upon the realisation that my obvious arousal would take a long time to go away on its own.

Levi's P.O.V.

Shit... That was way too close for comfort. Fuck you Jaeger, fuck you! I honestly don't know what I was thinking, coming up with some stupid excuse as a way to keep him quiet, like that would ever work. So much for the problem I gave him, by this point you could break diamonds on my dick!

My face began to fluster as soon as I left that room, and all because of some stupid shitty brat. I began to hit my wrist against the wall as a sort of distraction from the current situation, as I tried to convince myself that I hadn't just made out with a 17 year old boy. I was 23 for god's sake! That made me 6 years older than him give or take a couple of months. Suddenly the hatred I had felt towards those creeps last night was directed at me and again I found myself punching the wall. All because of that shitty brat...

Eren's P.O.V.

For the rest of the time that my father forced me to stay in bed (He was, after all, under the assumption that Levi had found me already passed out, so I guess it's only natural for him to be concerned.) my thoughts kept being driven back to Levi. And before I knew it all I could imagine was the older man underneath me, moaning and moulding to me, while we became one on the bed sheets. My boner seemed to get more demanding with every fantasy, desperate to be taken care of; somehow it just wouldn't allow me any peace. My seemingly simple daydream turned dirtier as soon he was blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed post, the bed post slowly turning into a wall hook; once again my erection attempted to reach up and hit my stomach. My face flushed deeper as I realised what I had suspected for years was true. I was gay. And no amount of boobs, or any lady bits for that matter, would be able to remove him from my mind. With a hint of shame I allowed my fantasy to take over and I began to tend to my arousal, whispering his name into my pillow as I found my release at the thought of the man who saved me from rape.

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