But now it's Christmas

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A/N: It's no where near christmas time but what the hell! Why not make a cute imagine of Y/N spending christmas with the boys? Enjoy!
Usually you would spend Christmas alone just watching television specials, drinking eggnog, and making some calls to your personal friends. But ever since you met your best friend Freddie Mercury of Queen last year you haven't been lonely since. Tonight Freddie invited you over to his place to spend Christmas with him and the band, and you happily obliged.

The party started around 6 pm, Freddie greeted you happily along with the band. The rest of your evening you drank Moët Chandon and chatted with Brian and John while Roger and Freddie struggled to cook dinner. Sooner or later Freddie came in interrupting your conversation telling you all that dinner was ready, and let's just say, a lot of it was burnt. Once you all shoveled down, more like gagged, your food, you all retired to Freddie's living room where his Christmas tree was standing bright and tall in the corner.

"(Y/N)! Open yours first!" John piped up, he was a quiet one and you never saw him this happy. "Um, well, okay." You answered shyly and sat up letting go of the pillow you were cuddling. "It's from all of us." Brian chimed in smiling at you. You smiled lightly and picked up the square package delicately. You soon realized that all of them were staring at you with anticipation. "Open it already!!" Freddie said flailing his arms around which made you snap out of your daze. You laughed and nodded quickly, "Okay okay!" You said and pulled the package close to you.

As soon as you opened the beautifully wrapped package your eyes began to water and your throat tightened. You bit your lip trying not to cry, it was a beautiful picture frame, Freddie probably had chosen, which carried your most favorite picture. A picture of you and the boys the day you all very first met. "Do you like it?..." Roger asked carefully, "I-I love it! I love you guys so much!" You exclaimed letting the tears fall as your hugged all of them. Needless to say this was the best Christmas you could ever wish for.

A/N: This was way longer than expected, haha! Please vote and comment! It'd be much appreciated! Also, I'm working on a lovely fan fiction that I can't wait to share with you all. All thanks to drowseroger who helped me with the plot! Xoxo

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