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Is this really a good idea?, I thought to myself as I press the send button on my phone. I sigh and shrug as the picture is sent off to the boy who begged me to send him one.

I lay back on my bed and try to come up with reasons as to why I keep doing this over and over. Is it because I'm a slut? Or do I just want attention?

My phone vibrates and I check the message from the boy who could care less about my personality. I smirk when I read all of the compliments he's giving me. I ignore the fact that he's really just complimenting my naked body. I ignore the fact that I've been in this same senario more than once and each time it turns out the same. The boy uses me and when he gets bored or finds someone better, he drops me.

I rub my eyes and tell the boy I'm going to bed. He asks if we can do it again the next night and I agree.

I cover myself with my blanket and try not to think. The thoughts come anyways.
When will I learn? How many times am I going to go through this before I realize how wrong it is?

I squeeze my eyes shut and fight the tears threatening to spill. I curse my momentarely sensitive emotions and roll over. I have no reason to cry. I brought everything onto myself. It's no one's fault but my own that I'm in this mess.

My name is Tarah Jewels. And my life is a never ending rollercoaster that threatens to throw me off at any second and send me crashing to the ground far below...

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