Monica is poured into the TV. She's leaned over her knees, looking with anticipation. Her hands trembling near her mouth. She's consumed in the TV.

"That's right all you One Direction fans: Liam Payne is officially single." the TV says.

"Yeah. It's over. It was a great 9 months, but everything comes to end," Liam says to the camera. With that final statement, the news foes to more breaking news. As if anything could beat One Direction.

She's stunned. This is the greatest thing she's heard in months. Her favorite person, finally, is single. A smile is plastered on her face. Nothing in the world could bring her down.

Monica looks around, still giddy with excitement. Suddenly, there's a buzz near her leg. Her heart races. Maybe it's him, she screams in her head, maybe it's Caleb!

While she's waiting for the ever so hot Liam Payne, she sets her eyes on someone closer to home. It's not completely hopeless-- they've been friends for a while now. And this can totally happen.

To her confusion, Emma's name is flashing on her phone. She answers the call. "Hello?"

"Hey! Okay listen to me. I have some big news!!"

"Oh really?" Monica leans back into her seat and crosses her legs, "Is it better than a single Liam?" She smirked. "I doubt anything could be bigger than that."

"No really! I do! It's bigger than anything you'd expect"

"Okay, now I'm listening."

" I can't actually tell you over the phone--someone may be taping our calls. But trust me, it's big! But promise me you won't hate me when I tell you."

"What? Hate you? Why would I hate you?!" Monica asks.

"I'm coming over now. You'll find out soon enough. I'm picking up Emily and Brianna first, then I;'ll tell you all together"

"What is going on? Tell me Emma!"

"Sorry! Can't talk and drive now can we? Safety first! Bye bye!!" She hangs up.

Monica sets her phone down slowly, trying to figure out what exactly just happened. She stares blankly at the wall in front pf her. "What did that mean?" she thinks out loud. She shakes her head and gets up to finish making her tea. She shakes her head. Waiting for this news will be torture, but she knows that it will be worth the wait.

Emma knocks on the door. "Come on Emily! We don't have all day you know!!"

"What do you want? You're interrupting my time without you." Emily states once she opens the door.

"We don't have time for this! Come with me. This is important."

"The last time you said something was important, you talked about Doctor Who for 3 hours. I'm not doing that today. Sorry bud."

"No this is actually important. And I'll have you know that David Tennant will always be better than Matt Smith."

Emily covers her ears and sings to drown out Emma's rant. "I'm not listening!!"

Emma soon becomes agitated and yells over her friend, "Niall said you were cute!" Emily stops dead in her tracks. She's stunned.

"What did you say?"

"Oh good! You're listening to me now. Come on, we got to pick up Brianna. I have something to share."

"You're not making any sense."

"I know! But don't worry. It will all make sense if you will just come with me."

Emily calls up to her dad and she leaves with Emma.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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