[One Shot] Only Tears

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Jihee's POV

I looked at the grave infront of me.

Its been years I last meet him...Well, meet him in a soul form not human form.

'I still wear the necklace you gave to me.' I said slowly as I touched the necklace I'm wearing right now.

"If you're still alive now, maybe we'll be the bestest friends alive!"I said as a tear dropped.

I miss him very much even though I just knew him for a moment...

-------------------------5 Years Ago---------------------------

Jihee just stayed at her seat as she hears the students around her talked to each other.

"Hey! Have you heard? Someone met Sehun's ghost walking around the school yesterday!"Suddenly a girl asked her friends.

That topic caught her attention.

"Really?"Her friend said in a shocked tone.

The girl nodded as she continues telling her friends the story.

"Isn't he the guy that died last week? Why'd he come back?"The other girl asked.

"Maybe he have some unfinished business, that's why he became a ghost."The girl replied.

'Can dead people do that?'Jihee asked herself.

"Hmm...What kind of business do you think?"The girl's friend asked.

"Maybe...He wants to meet his crush? Who knows right? He might regret for not telling his crush he likes her before he died."

The other girls tapped their chin as they nodded.

But then, they heard Jihee stomp her hand on the desk.

"I...I..."Jihee stuttered as if she wants to say something.

"Oh! We're sorry Jihee-ah! Did we disturb you?"The girl asked with a scared voice.

"No! I just-"Jihee stopped as she starts to feel nervous to talk to them.

"Yeonhee! Don't disturb her! Lets just leave her alone!"Yeonhee's friend Eunji called as she walks away from the class with their other friend.

Yeonhee looked at Jihee for the last time before she walks away from her.

Jihee let out a deep breath with disappointment.

"Nice try Jihee. How can you be friends with them if you keep stuttering when facing them?"She said to herself.


That evening after the school bell rang, Jihee walks alone towards her house while thinking about what the girls have said just now.

"Hi!"Suddenly a guy greets her from behind.

She turns around and saw him.

"H-hi!"She stuttered as she tries to pull a smile.

The guy smiled softly.

"Are you Jihee?"He asked.

She nodded as she starts to feel scared.

"Y-yes...I am. Who are you?"She asked feeling a bit scared.

"I'm Oh Sehun..."He replied with a smile.

'Sehun? Isn't he the guy that died last week?'Jihee's feet started to tremble in fear.

"No! Don't be afraid of me! I promise I won't hurt you!"He said when he realized Jihee's terrified face.

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