The Real Her

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Jaelyn POV:

I patiently walked quietly through the hallways to my first period. I pulled my arm up and looked down at my watch, five minutes before the class starts. I sighed as I walked in the classroom where my class would find place.

I sat down in the seat far behind. Alone.

It's my second day here on Hamilton High and it's a nice school if you asked me. The people here, I guess. I don't really talk to people, I honestly like to move away from people so I do not get noticed. As long as I keep my grades up I'm cool.

I took my required books from my bag and opened them up on the good page, ready to start this lesson. Three minutes past as more people filled the classroom. I just kept my head down focusing on my book, hoping nobody would take the empty seat besides me. Just as I looked up a girl looked at me. She had a brown skin tone and was about my height. Just as she looked at me, she smiled showing her hazel pretty eyes.

I gave her a small smile back and turned to the teacher as she began to talk.

"Okay class, just as I promised you all will get back your tests you made to see the grades. I must say I am very satisfied with a few kids especially Jaelyn."
She looked at me and nodded as she smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back.

She continued talking. "I would like to ask Vivianne to distribute the tests for me, Vivianne come here." She waved the girl named forward and gave her the tests.

She started to walk from one to the other and gave his or her test.

"Jaelyn?" She asked looking around.

I slowly raised my hand and she walked forward to me.

"You did a good job." She said smiling as she handed my test.

She start walking off to the next one. I looked down at my test and spotted a big, red A.

"Yes!" I whispered proudly and the teacher winked and smiled at me.

30 minutes past away and the school bell rang dismissing us.
I packed my books back in my bag and shove my chair before walking out of the classroom to be greeted my Vivianne.

"Hey... Jaelyn, wasn't it?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah."

She pulled out her hand, "Vivianne."

I looked at her hand and shook it before we continued walking forward to the next period. As we made it to the classroom, I sat down far behind, again.

Vivianne came and sat beside me, "Would you mind if I sat down beside you?"

I shook my head. "Of course not."

She smiled. "Thanks"

I started grabbing my books. She seems nice compared to all these other girl out here.

But you know what they saying, don't judge a book by it's cover.


Vivianne POV:

Jaelyn seems pretty nice, considering I haven't spoke to her before.

She's really quiet though, I mean really quiet! If it wasn't for Miss congratulating her on getting the best, I don't think I would've noticed she was in our class?

I know it sounds rude and all but it's true.

She's gorgeous though. She's beautiful long brown hair. Cream brown skin complexion, and bright brown eyes.

Maybe me and her could start hanging out. We could get to know each over, who knows huh.

I don't really hang out with girls, and I don't girl besties, and stuff like that. I like to hang with my brother & his 2 best friends. We've all known eachover since we were kids so I feel comfortable around them.

Don't get me wrong I do associate and hang with people at school, everyone knows who I am and stuff. But I do like to keep independent.

But anyway enough about me...Maybe it's time start a conversation with Jae now.

"So Jae, are you knew here?" I asked, not being familiar with her face.

"Yeah, It's only my 2nd day here." She responded quite quickly.

"Ohhh, that makes sense, i didn't think I'd seen you around before ha."

She let out a little laugh. "Yea.."

"Sooo... Made any friends here yet? What do you think about the school?"

Eager to find out, I noticed she looked as if she started to feel uncomfortable.

"Urmm, aaa, no. I haven't really made any friends yet. And the school? Well yeah, it's alright I guess." She said with no emotion

"Ooh, well it is your second day. Abd guess what?"

"What..?" She said in a confused tone.

"You just made your first friend her at Hamilton High. Me!"


As you can see this is a new story!

My friend Jaelyn (JaelynGains_ on wattpad) and I are joint writing this fan fix so I hope you love it! We are going to try out bests to make this fan fic interesting as possible!

B.t.w this is a "The Rangers" fan fic!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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