Chapter 1

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Avery's POV

First day of senior year, great. I tie my red hair back into a loose pony tail and slip on my Alice In Wonderland t-shirt. I grab my black converse and my backpack, rushing out to my moms car. I already missed the bus and I don't want to walk two miles to my school. I put my shoes on in my mom's car and eat my pop tart. 

My mom soon arrives at the school; I kiss her cheek and go inside the building. Ugh, I don't want to be in this hell hole but I don't really have a choice.

Devin's POV

I make sure my oxygen tank is safely in my bag and grab my black jacket. I don't wanna be here. New school, new life. So not true... just cause I'm at a new school doesn't make me a new person. I still have this damn oxygen tank and this damn Cystic Fibrosis.

"Bye Honey! Hope you have a wonderful day!" My mom yells as I walk to the doors of this new hell hole. All the people in the Commons area stop and stare at me. Well, not really me but more so my tank. Great. I see this beautiful girl who is looking at me, not my tank, but me. She is gorgeous, with fiery red hair and luscious green eyes. I look down and continue walking to the office, which isn't that far away from where I was standing.

"Hi, uhm... I'm Devin Knight. I'm new," I say shyly to the lady at the desk. Mrs. Karp. She seems nice.

"Oh yes! Welcome to our school! I have your schedule right here and a map so you don't get lost. If you need anything, anything at all, come to me!" She exclaims excitedly. How can someone be so excited? I casually thank her and walk out. My first class, history.

I start to walk to the classroom, silently staring at the ground. I can feel people staring and it's bothering me. I suddenly trip and fall to the ground, I look up and see a really tough guy tripped me. Him and his friends are laughing; I just pick myself up and walk off.

"Hey tanker! Come on back here! You freak!" He shouts and chucks a book at me. I tuck my tank into my backpack and walk back.

"What the hell do you want, dick?" I ask.

"Why don't you and your little tank go back to wherever you came from, freak. You're unwanted here!" He says and pushes me back. I punch him in the face, knocking him out. He friends grab me and hold me down as one of his closer friends beat me up.

"BOYS! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I hear a deep voice shout. I'm dropped to the ground and I start coughing really bad. I see the principal tell the bullies to go to the office, one of them dragging the main one.

"Are you okay?" The principal asks as I slowly get up.

"Yeah..." I say as I take a deep breath, "I'll be fine."

"Okay, if they, or anyone else, treats you like that or in any way you don't like come talk to me. I'll handle it," he says and hands me my backpack.

"Thanks," I say and we both walk off. Today is already exciting and I haven't even been in first period.


It's lunch now, and I have no where to sit. I look around the lunch room and see an empty table. I quickly walk over there and sit. I take out the lunch my mother made me and start to eat. I hate it here. I quickly leave the lunch room and walk out of the building. I walk all the way home.

I storm up to my room and slam the door shut. I lay in my bed and cry. I miss my old school, my old friends, I want my life back!

Avery's POV

I saw the new kid walk in. He has an oxygen tank and everyone else is staring at it. Not me, I'm staring at his face. He has a sharp jawline and really pretty eyes. He has black hair and make skin. He looks like a movie star! Oh god! Is he looking at me?! I blush and look away. I watch him walk into the office.

The bell rings and I head to my first class, history. I surprisingly share this class with Devin, the new kid. After period one, I head to science. Ugh! I hate our science teacher Mr. Marx. He's an asshole. I sit in the desk in the way back of his classroom and watch others pile in. I notice Devin walk in and sit in the desk up front. Marx is already writing hard equations on the bored that were gonna have to memorize. I take out my pen and start to doodle on my paper.

"Miss Tanners!" Marx shouts. I look up with a confused look. "What is the answer?"

"Uh..." I wasn't paying attention! Shit!

"It's 3.14*222+6/72^2," Devin says.

"Thank you, Miss Tanners," Marx says sarcastically. "Tanners, you have detention. Knight, don't do it again."

I smile a little and look down. I'm glad he did that for me. Maybe I should go talk to him soon. Yeah, I'll talk to him at lunch! When lunch roles around, I don't see Devin anywhere... well, he's bound to show up some time!

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast and I don't know where Devin went but he's not here anymore. Here comes detention with Marx. Great.

I hope you guys liked the first chapter! Many to come and much more sadness!!!

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