Eyes on Fire » Authors Note

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a u t h o r ' s  n o t e .

First and foremost, I would like to take a moment to thank you all for the ever growing amount of support and love for this story.

I have put an unbelievable amount of effort into making this story, and despite it's flaws, it is the work I am most proud of. I have grown alongside these characters. I have learnt so much about myself along with them. I have torn myself in two trying to find parts of myself in each character. Every sleepless night, every writers-block induced tantrum, it's all been worth it. I really hope you can find the same uniqueness and depth in it that I do.

With all that being said, I would like to clarify a few crucial points to the story that may save any uncertain questions as you read on:

1. I am NOT strictly following any one movie plot. I am using certain parts from some of the films to build the structure for my story and overall recreate a new storyline.

2. I am not a professional writer (whatever that means). There will no doubt be errors, misspellings and mistakes throughout. Please don't be too harsh or critical. However, if you point them out to me, I will go back and fix it.

3. I do not own any of the Marvel characters. Obviously. The only character I own is the main one, who you will learn more about as you read on.

4. My main character is heavily inspired by the vampires from The Twilight Saga. All personal opinions aside, (even though I'm not even a fan of those films), I was quite drawn to their abilities and was eager to see if I could create my own version to better suit the story. (If I can promise you anything it is that it's no where near as cringey!)

In conclusion, I hope that you can find something in this story that you can resonate with. I hope it provides a sense of empowerment, originality and homage to the original characters. I hope you can look up to the main character the same way that I do.

And most of all, I hope that you enjoy reading every word, as much as I have enjoyed writing every one. Your feedback means the world to me and not a single comment goes unnoticed.

I look forward to going on this journey with you; til' the end of the line.

Sending love and light,

Eyes on Fire ★ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now