Untitled Part 1

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The Last Breath

"We're going to land directly in the white house, if you don't stop this plane we will all die!" A passenger sitting to the left of me screamed into my ear as the beeping sound in my right ear and a baby crying its eyes out.At this moment I knew I had to stop this plane from killing these innocent people!....You're probably confused and on the edge of your seat as you read this so let me start from the be beginning were a beautiful day became the most dragic day in America. In my country the girl should never leave her culture and never perform any acts of disrespect. So for me Amerra I didn't always live up to Those standards. I was more of one of the boys I loved being outside reading, and playing. I didn't want to be someone's wife nor a stay at home girl I wanted to go to school I wanted to do the wonderful things my brothers always talked about, but since I was a girl it was a sin. My brothers would always bring me books and let me sit with them when they did homework but papa would scream at me and say "Amerra men want a listener not a wife who is a know it all". I loved my father greatly but I hated him all at once, for my mother having that I'm the only girl, that is what I had lived for. I remember she would sing to me before I went to bed every night I remember her beautiful long silky black hair and her beautiful voice singing while she scrub the floors. She knew the time would come where I would leave and I did to but I didn't think that moment would come so soon.. Every morning I would get up at about 7 ,take a walk and watch the sunrise like I did every other day but this particular day was the one that changed my life so greatly. I had passed by the same corner store and greeted Mr.Ajan like I did every morning.

"Good Morning Mr.Ajan"

"Salam Good Morning Amerra, how are you this morning"

"Very well , did any new things from America come in Ajan?"

"Well of course , I have it in the back waiting just for you , could you please watch the store so I could grab it for you"

Before I could agree Mr.Ajan and left. I sat there for a very long time or what seemed like a long time for me.

Door opens*

"Salam, Mr.Ajan will right back he went to grab something"

The tall man about the same age as me nodded and said "thank you"

I had noticed he was looking a that said "all about America" I had went through the book 50 times.

" Do you know much about America"

"No, not really I've heard few things it seems like a wonderful place.You?"

"it is, and yes I've read about many times"

"Well then I guess you will have to teach me a couple things about this wonderful America. What's your name?"

Before I could speak, Mr.Ajan had walked in with his hands full of things.

"Here you are Amerra"

"Thank you!"

Mr.Ajan did not speak when he noticed the the man.

"Salam what could I get for you"


The boy picked up the book "all about America" and a chocolate bar.

"Yes, I would like to buy this"


The boy nodded handed the money and that was the last I had seen from him for about a week his face had ran through my mind like crazy. But one afternoon while picking crops out I seen a car had pulled into my driveway it was the boy and his father.That day I married.

I know what you're thinking what?how? Why would you? But something felt right and I knew I loved him in someway I couldn't explain. I still lived with my parents while we figured out where we wanted to live. One afternoon I was sitting outside my parents home ready one of my brothers books that he had brought home ,when John came running up "Amerra ,Amerra!" Repeating it over and over again , when approaching me he waited for him to catch a breathe and at that moment my life had changed just from just 5 simple words I thought I would never hear.

"we are moving to America"

It was very hard to leave my family my mother the most but we both knew this was the greatest thing that would happen to me. John and I arrived early as of 7 , we did have much with us but we did have a lot of dreams and determination to what are life would be like in America. we were filled with joy to even think about how we would survive on our own and what Life was going to be like .

" United Airlines Flight 93 , is now boarding"

My heart sank so many things were running through my head but I looked to the side of me and reminded myself I had John and everything would be okay.

I had never been on a plain so all of it was very new to me there were lots of Americans on the plain and only about 6 of my kind. Many people stared at us not minding that they were doing it. Many looked with disgust. My father had told me this would happen and well of course I thought he was being dramatic but it was true.Eventually we arrived in Newark International Airport in New Jersey. America was everything that I had imagined to be and everything I had read. Although the books had made the people sound way more nicer then what I had experienced. When going through security check the man had checked us twice,making the excuse of "I'm sorry ma'am but going to have you step aside I are machine not working today i'm going to have you step aside". Eventually we boarded onto the plain, I decided I would take the time to sleep since I hadn't got any sleep.

I'm sure I slept for what I felt was for 30 minutes, when my sleep was interrupted by a loud noise much like a gunshot. I opened my eyes, and at that moment I knew I was going to die. Someone screamed from inside the cockpit I automatically looked for John who was no longer next to me and was now down the pathway dead. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't because at that moment are plain was now going down and up. They had gotten the plain in control. I could hear the people behind me whispering something. But I couldn't focus on that, all I could think about was I was all by myself!

A man had approached me he had asked many questions about where I had came from and sorry about your lost where are you headed but I wasn't listening to him I could only think about stopping this plain. I interrupted him.

"We need to stop this plain"

"How will we do that,they have weapons"

"We have more people than they do, we get the men and rush into the cockpit"

At this point two other men had noticed and joined we couldn't talk so much because they would noticed we wait for the right time.They watched are very moment.Im nota very violent person but I wanted revenge i studied the men as they walked down the lines one would go to cockpit every 15 minutes. I was nervous,scared, and ALONE.

Are plan sounded very well and simple,distract the men and the men enter the cockpit but that's not necessarily how things went. They weren't going to give up easily.

"He shot, his shot you have to fly the plain" the man next to me screamed into my ear as the screaming and beeping where blasting into my ear.

"Stop this plain now, we are going to hit the white house"

I sat in shock and in a snap I was flying this plane the lives of all these people in my hands, all i was thinking about was my family my mom and telling myself "you can do this",while everything coming out my mouth was that " I couldn't". I had proceeded grabbing hold and control i was doing it. Looking to my side for the men that help me were now dead and with a blink of an eye ,I was too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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