A weekend with my uncle

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Co-writer Awl111

Chapter 7

Percy pov:

When I opened my eyes I finally got to see my uncle's kingdom. I didn't want to tell anyone that I was scared of the ghosts and skeletons walking around but I didn't. What helped me was that my uncle and aunt was standing on either side of me.

As I looked around the place was pitch dark. You wouldn't have been able to see If it wasn't for the lights on either side of the path. There was a huge river on the right side of the path, that if you looked closely it looked like steam was coming off it. Uncle Hades led us down the path towards what looked like a palace.

Before we got to the palace uncle Hades said he wanted to show me some places. As we walked past the place he explained that the were dangerous and that I should never go near or in them, which was practically everywhere might I add.

"This isn't Olympus where you can go exploring any place you want," explained uncle Hades," There are going to be some rules that I expect you to follow, If you don't then you would be sent back to Olympus and you wont be able to come back I don't want that to happen so follow these rules okay,"

All I could do was nod my to show that I understood him. I probably wouldn't go exploring any ways since I was too scared too. After Uncle Hades told me all the rules they led me inside and down a hallway that seemed to not end. We stopped at a door that looked like it was made of glass.

" Here we are sweetie,"said Aunt Persephone," go ahead and open it,"

I reached for the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. When the door opened enough for me to see inside the room I was shocked because I expected a black room not a room that was sea green. The whole room was sea themed. On the walls were sea animals. The bed looked a pirates ship there was even a pirate flag hung behind the bed. On one of the flags was my name stitched to the fabric. In the corner next to the window was a turtle bean bag chair and the curtains that hung in the window had all kinds of sea animals on them. I had a bathroom and a closet too. On top of the door frame was a pirate skull. Even the bathroom was sea themed.

" I hope you like the room," sighed uncle Hades ," it took us a while to set this up"

I smiled and jumped off the bed and ran over to them and gave them both a big huge and kissed both on the cheeks.

" before we leave you alone why don't we show you the rest of the house," laughed Aunt Persephone

" that's a good idea come Percy,"

I followed them out of the room and down the hall. I wasn't surprised to find out that their room was just down the hall from mine. I suspected that it was dad doing. They showed me everywhere in the palace, it was bigger then I first thought it was. On the tour I met Cerberus which uncle Hades didn't like many people, but when we started walking again he followed us.

" It seems he taken a liking to you," laughed Persephone

Uncle Hades just shook his head and started walking again. By the time we was done it felt like a couple of hours went by.

" you can go and play," said Uncle Hades," dinner at 6 don't be late"

I didn't let him finish before I ran towards my bedroom. As I left I heard laughing behind me. When I got back to the room I checked the clock on my night stand and saw I had not long into I had to meet them for dinner. I went over to one of the bookshelves in my room and took off a book. I pulled the book out a little and I heard a little click and the shelf slowly opened.

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