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*ring, ring* (Its your phone.) Y-You O-Office Person


O-Good morning Miss. How are you?

Y-Okay, I guess. And you?

O-Fine, but yesterday night we received a lot of noise complaints about yelling and other noises he said awkwardly. 

Y- Oh. It won't happen again I promise.*I  look next to me and theres this dude laying next to me naked. Fuck I think*

O- I hope so. I hope you have a good day.

Y- You too. Bye


Fuck what happened last night I don't remembered anything. Who is this next to me and God my head hurts so bad. OMG did I have sex with him. If I did shit what the fuck I don't know anything about him, I don't even remembered his name. This has only happened to me one other time back in high school. I have to wake him up though. So I shake him awake.

A-What. Fuck my head.

Y- Who are you?

A- Andrew. Who are you.

Y-Sophi. Did we have sex dude.

A- I think so I barely remember anything. You?

Y- Same.

A- Not be rude but;Do you got Aids?

Y- Hell no. Do you?

A- No, Im a good boy.

Y- Then explain this.

A-... I don't know what to say. 

I grab one of sheets on the ground an wrap myself around me and hand him some aspirin. 

*Andrew's POV*

I take some aspirin. And I check my phone. I had five messages from Derek. 

*The Messages*

D-Bro are you okay. Are you alive. Sam called and he said some people got ruffied. Did you. Are you at that girls house. Shit dude answer. 

A- Really, holy shit I don't think I got ruffied. Dude I slept with her. I'm suppose to be in the vergen gang gang . What if people find out. Fuck

D- Dude you snap chatted a lot last night and so did I and you're with her a lot.

A-Shit. What do I do bro. 

D- Idk. Delete them and talk to the girl. Make sure she's alright.

A-Bet. Text you when I'm on my way home.

D- K. Text you later.

It's actually funny how much I hear about shit happening like this in Cali like to people I know. Or everywhere so its realistic if it would happen. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened honestly. 

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