1# returned... by accident?

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Well, well sarutobi sensei... how about we invite three of our guests?
Orochimaru said as he did handsigns.
Edo tensei!
He yelled as three coffin like structures pop out of the ground.
Standing before them was cracky 1st and 2nd hokage and a clear normal minato.
Orochimaru shouted as they opened their eyes.
Where are we? We're suppose to be dead.
Hashirama said looking around.
Tobirama looked around and saw his brother
I knew I shouldn't of made this jutsu.
Tobirama said as he looked towards the fourth hokage.
Wait a minute.
Tobirama started as he looked closely towards minato.
Tobirama smirked.
Oh orochimaru... you have rulely screwed your self.
Tobirama said as hiruzen and orochimaru looked questionable at him.
Minato is alive. Not apart of your jutsu.
He said as hiruzen saw the distraction that Tobirama was doing and did some hand signs slowly while they were talking.
What? I'm alive?
Minato said as he looked towards hiruzen.
Hiruzen is my son okay!?
Minato started as hiruzen smiled lightly and nodded.
Minato jumped next to hiruzen and went into a defensive stance.
Hiruzen did the final seal and casted it and shinigami appeared.
What do you want mortal... some mortal took my snack from.... me...
He said as he noticed minato and orochimaru.
I am sorry shinigami-sama but can you seal tobirama hashirama and the most of you can of orochimaru? For my soul?
Hiruzen said quickly as orochimaru was stuck from the KI from the shinigami.
Very well.
He said as he put his hand threw hiruzen and the three Kage level ninjas.
Minato... take back your spot...
Hiruzen said as shinigami absorbed their souls and disappeared. As the anbu looked beyond the barrier in shock.
Orochimaru's arms became purple and he screamed before running away before any more harm comes to him.
Minato looked down sadly at hiruzen lifeless corpse as the barrier fell.
Yondaime! Your alive!
A anbu said as he nodded.
He messed up his jutsu... hiruzen... did what he could.
Minato said as the anbu picked up the body.
Take care of him... for now. Someone report what's happening.
He said as a anbu began explaining the invasion.
He scowled until he heard a part.
Naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchia and sakura haruno are handling the one tailed jinjuriki.
He said as minato eyes widen.
He then felt a massive familiar chakra and he looked to see someone summoned gamabunta.
A minute latter it transformed making everyone stop in place frozen in shock as he saw the kyuubi come out of the smoke.
He mutterted before racing towards them.
With naruto after battle (It's cannon fight)
Naruto was laying on the ground next to garra after the fight panting hard barely able to move his body.
Garra had tears coming down his face as he heard what he fights for.
I don't have precious people...
Yes you do.
Temari said as she popped in stopping from talking more.
We are. Let us be siblings again.
She said as tears rolled down her face.
Garra's face softened lightly then smiled a very (very) small smile.
Naruto chuckled lightly until a blonde hair male popped In the middle between them.
He saw the suna siblings and naruto talking to each other seeing it was safe for them to stay.
He lightly picked up naruto as naruto's vision was still mostly a blur.
Oh naruto... you grown so much...
Minato thought sadly.
He ordered the anbu to take the suna out of the village so they could leave.
Minato rushed to the hospital, and was thankful for kyuubi for healing him.
Once he arrive to the hospital, most of the villagers and medic ninjas thought they died of shock when they saw the fourth saving the 'demon'.
Here please save naruto.
Minato said to the receptent.
She nodded dumbly and called for doctors.
With naruto...
Naruto slowly opened his eyes to see white and a very dignified smell of medicine.
He groaned.
He thought.
Are you alright naruto?
A voice asked as he turned he saw a blonde haired man with a long white coat with what looked like a design of fire.
Yeah... I am... but who are you?
Naruto asked still a little dizzy sitting up.
I'm minato namikaze... the yondaime.
Minato said as naruto have tears fallen from his face.
Why... why me...
He asked lowly making minato tilt his head in confusion.
Why did you pick me out of all the people....
He said as tears drenched his face.
I couldn't do it to anyone but my son...
He said as naruto had a pain in his heart.
Your my.... father?
Naruto asked as he looked up with red eyes from crying.
Minato slowly nodded.
But i.... thought you died?
Naruto asked lowly.
Yes I did die.... it's a miracle I'm alive.
He said as he slowly looked down.
I am so sorry naruto... I told hiruzen to not mention us, knowing we had so many enemies for no one to protect you... I want you to know, you were the happiest thing that happened when i found out kushina was pregnant with you.
He said as naruto had silent tears.
We want you to know that we wanted to give you the love that you deser-
He was cut off by naruto hugging him.
Thank you... dad..
Naruto said as minato hugged him back.
I wish we gave you the parents you deserved 12 years ago...
He finished.
Naruto dinit want to let go of his father seeing he was telling the truth, he felt it, he felt he wasn't lieing or trying to trick him.
Where's gramps?
Naruto asked surprised not to see him.
I'm sorry naruto... hiruzen sarutobi... sacrificed himself to seal orochimaru's arms. He can't use them anymore.
Minato said as he felt droplets hit his shoulder.
He gently rubbed his sons back to make him let it out.
He was the only one that cared for me..
Naruto said sobbing making minato frown.
They dinit follow my wish...
Minato thought.
Please... don't leave me again...
Naruto said.
I wont.
Minato said as he picked his son up.
Let's go get you checked out.
he said as naruto dinit let go. He slowly nodded.
He walked to the receptents desk.
May I check him out?
Minato said as she nodded.
After he checked him out minato walked out.
He walked towards the hokage office sadly of hiruzen's passing.
Minato walked in making people stare. He walked up into the council chambers making everyone gasp.
(There was a meeting for new hokage)
Jiryia sputterted.
Yeah it's me... orochimaru's jutsu back fired.
Minato said making the council smirk.
Will you take back your position of hokage?
The council asked as minato nodded..
They all smiled until they saw he was holding naruto.
Minato what will you do with the demon brat?
One civilian asked making naruto tense.
And why is he a demon?
Minato asked glaring at the man.
He's probably influenced by kyuubi!
Another said.
You should kill it!
And another said.
Naruto was silently crying at the hate of the council.
And why in hell do you think I will kill my own son?
Minato asked making them all pale.
they yelled.
My wife was kushina uzumaki... of course he's my son.
he said as jiryia nodded in knowing.
The red hot Habenero is his mother!
They shouted as minato nodded.
So... wanna say he's a demon again?
Minato said glaring daggers at the civilian council.
They shook their heads fast.
Good. Now I will announce he being my son when I return as hokage.
Minato said as naruto stopped crying.
Thanks dad...
He muttered making minato smile down on him.
Alright then. Jiryia I would like you to bring back tsunade for helping in healing the injured.
Minato said as jiryia nodded in agreement.
Anything else?
Minato asked.
Well we need to promote the genins that showed great promise in the chunin exams.
Danzo said.
Alright I will do that latter, dismissed.
Minato said as he disappeared in a flash.
Naruto groaned when they flashed to the namikaze house.
He never teleported before so it made him dizzy.
Naruto looked around and saw he wasn't in the council chambers.
He looked towards his dad with a confusing look.
This is our home.
Minato said as his words echoed.
I'm living with you?
Naruto asked askes minato nodded.
Of course.
He said as naruto jumped out of his hold and looked around the house.
His eyes went wide at the rooms and felt like he was going to cry. He always lived in the orphange until he was three when they kicked him out.
Then he just lived into a Crampt 1 person apartment.
Once he was done looking around he ran back to his father and hugged him.
I'm so glad...
He said making minato hug him back
I should be thanking orochimaru... he gave me my life back... but I won't sense he made hiruzen take his life away.
Minato said lightly.
Naruto nodded and released his hold from minato.
Naruto smiled tearfully at the man.
How about... I begin training you. I want to get to know my son better.
He said making naruto beam at him training with his father.
Of course dad!
He said happily.
Oh kushina... I wish you were here with us...
Minato thought sadly.
he perked up when naruto started to beam.
Alright let's go into the backyard training area.
He said as naruto dragged minato along. He chuckled to see how determined he was to train, but was glad he wanted to spend time with him.
Naruto and minato started their training.
Alright naruto. I want you to summon a few shadow clones.
He said.
Naruto summoned 10 shadow clones making minato nod.
Do you know the special thing about shadow clones?
He asked his son that shook his head.
Well every time your clone learn something and dispelled it will transfer the memories.
Minato said as naruto was is awe.
So if my clones read a scroll I will learn what he read?
Naruto asked as minato nodded.
Yes, it also helps training with chakra controll, weapons, styles, and jutsu. It's the ultimate training method if you want to be efficient.
Minato said as naruto smiled.
He made 200 clones making minato gawk.
How many can you make?
Minato asked, he knew he had asked lot of chakra but this was ridiculous.
Uhm... I think a few thousand.
He looked behind him to see minato fainted.
Time skip
Naruto splashed water on minato making him jolt awake.
He looked up at his son growling playfully while naruto was laughing his butt off.
Oh yeah?
Minato said doing hand signs
Water style, water hose!
Minato said as at gush of water came out of his hands hitting naruto making him soaked.
He looked at minato while vise versa. They began to laugh and fell to the ground.
They sighed lightly.
Minato and naruto got up and did their training.
Minato was teaching him the rasengan. It was slow but he was getting the hang of it. He made his clones accelerate the process.
Once he was done he dispelled the clones getting all of the information. He had a migraine for about a minute but it went away gladly.
Minato picked up his exhausted child and noticed it was good enough time to get him to bed seeing the time and his exhaustion.
Minato walked up the stairs and went into the room next to his and layed him down on a queen sized bed.
Naruto looked up at him and smiled.
Thanks dad....
He said as he passed out a minute latter.
Minato slowly made his way to his room and went to sleep.
After the invasion with sasuke, and sakura.
Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and saw white.
he sighed knowing he was in a hospital and sat up.
You saved us!
Sakura said happily and hugged him.
No i-
Yes you did kakashi said so!
She interupted.
Sasuke sighed.
I guess I might get jutsus from the praise.
Sasuke smirked at the thought.
Where's naruto?
Sasuke asked making sakura shrugg.
I don't know.
She said feeling guilty for not visiting him.
Sakura got up and went to the receptents desk who was rubbing her eyes thinking it was a illusion that she saw.
Excuse me is naruto uzumaki checked in?
Sakura asked.
She shook her head.
He just got checked out.
She said as sakura sighed.
Sasuke shrugged and checked himself out.
Almost most of the village believed that sasuke saved them from the one tailed beast making everyone praise him.
Sadly it dinit go towards the shinobi council, yondaime, jiryia, and a few anbu members.
Sasuke shrugged but smirked at all the offers for jutsu in his mind.
Soon I will kill him.
Sasuke thought as he went to his house to train.
Sakura was another story. She dinit belive kakashi at all, she knew that naruto came at the last secound and protected them. She acted and saw the smirk on sasuke making her frown.
She went home and went straight to her room.
She went into her bathroom and was doing her hair when she saw a seal on the right side of her hair.
What is that? Is that like sasuke's seal?
Sakura thought and shuddered.
She knew tiny amounts of sealing and was hopefully going to break it.
She made a seal on a paper and stuck it next to the seal and yelled kai.
Memories began rushing back into her brain making her drop down sobbing.
Look at her! Her forhead could hold all of us on it!
A bully said and kicked her gut making her wince.
Please... stop...
She said as tears fell to the ground.
They were going to kick her again when someone caught it.
She looked up and saw a blonde hair boy with whisker marks.
Don't ever touch her again!
He said punching the three bullies with the rage unlocking a tiny portion of kyuubis power and hit them making them run away.
The boy looked down at the crying pinkette.
The boy went on his knees and hugged the crying girl.
Hey its okay... I won't let them hurt you.
He said making sakura stop and hugged him back.
The boy smiled and pulled away slightly.
You know..your forehead is cute! It means your really smart!
The boy said making her go wide eye.
She said happily making naruto smile and kissed her forehead.
He said making sakura flush at the contact.
Why Is my heart beating so fast...
She thought.
What's your name?
The boy asked helping her up getting twigs off of her.
Sakura haruno.
She said making the boy smile brightly.
That's a pretty name for a pretty girl!
The boy said making sakura smile and kiss him on the cheek.
My name is naruto uzumaki.
Naruto said happily!
End of flashback.
Sakura was shaking so badly.
Is that why he said that?
She thought
Flashback graduation.
Move it idiot!
Sakura yelled at naruto.
Why can't you remember...
He said sadly looking down.
Sakura growled knowing who put the seal on her.
Her parents. She told them about naruto who saved her making them afraid at what 'demon' did to their precious daughter and put it on her.
He was the one who I truly loved... not sasuke.
She thought as she shook in anger.
She thought as she got up and ran towards the hokages office.
She heard that the hokage was killed and someone special is becoming the hokage.
She rushed in and saw jiryia.
Lord jiryia!
She shouted making her pant heavily
Do you know where naruto is?
Sakura asked
Yes but you can't see him until tomorrow.
He said making her sadly nod.
What's wrong?
Jiryia asked.
My parents... they put a memorie block seal on me to forget my friendship with naruto... saying the demon corrupted me.
Sakura said showing the broken seal on the seal paper she used.
Jiryia was fuming. Those seals were forbidden unless assured by hokage himself.
I'm sorry sakura, your parents will have to be put to justice... tommorow though.
He said as sakura slowly nodded.
She went home and tried to stay away from her family and went to sleep.
To be contiuned.

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