My highschool jerk

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Why me?

Why me?

Why me? Why me?

It was the one question, two words that kept running over an over in my head.

Why me god!? What makes me soooo damn special? I'm not....


So you probably are super confused with what I'm talking about. Well it all started with a guy. Yup a guy of course! Ugh! That stupid, obnoxious, arrogant conceited, annoying,...cute sweet... funny...charming ahhh I mean ugly and and ugh that stinking jerk Aaron Collins!!!

It happened this year when I first started highschool as a freshman. I had just turned 14 a couple months ago on November 6.

Me and my best friend Janessa ( jj ) were really excited for highschool, But she was excited about all the cute guys. Meanwhile I was more excited about the clubs and new people and stuff. I wasn't really interested in getting with a guy.

I mean I'm so young! The last boyfriend I had was in ... 6th grade? His name was Robert.

Also I've never kissed a guy..

I mean it's not that nobody had tried, its just that I'm not really interested. I like being single! Most of the time...

Anywho like I mentioned before we had just started high school and it was our first day and we were super excited...

"Ahhhhh ari!!!! You look so beautiful!" I smiled. I hadn't tried that hard today. I had just curled my long brown hair loosely and put on some mascara, blush, and lip gloss. Since I had pretty clear skin I didn't really need foundation or concealer. But since this was high school I was pretty sure I was gonna need it.

"Hehe whatever j.j you do too! I can't believe it... Highschoooool." I slurred the word to my friend.

" I know!!! look at all the cute guys.." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"Your insane haha and they're not that cute.."

"I guess. But damn look at that one!" I didn't even have to ask. As soon as I turned my head I knew exactly who she was talking about. And let me tell you that "damn" was exactly the word that came to mind.

He was tall and fit. He had black hair that looked so soft and messy as he ran his fingers through it. Although he wasn't super close I could see his blue eyes from here. He was GORGEOUS.

"Wow" was all that I could manage. He finally was out of sight and got my strength to speak to Janessa.

"So what classes did you get?"

"Um 1st period I have geometry 2nd period: Spanish 3rd period: health 4th period: English 5th period: P.E. and 6th period is chemistry. What about you?"

"well ok 1st period: P.E; 2nd period: art yay!;3rd period: health; 4th period: geometry; 5th period: French; 6th period: English honors.." I said.

"Awe we got different classes.." JJ let out a whine.

"Well what about health?"


"awe man it's the bell gotta go! See you later ok?" I let out a groan.

"Ok text me so we can find each other at lunch!"

After we said our goodbyes I headed towards the locker rooms. It turned out we weren't going to change the rest of the week. So we were stuck in the gym waiting for them to give me a locker. I was hoping I wasn't going to be a loner when I saw my friend mary.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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