1. Not ready

10 1 1

*beep beep beep*

"ugg, I'm getting up." I said reluctantly pouring out of my amazingly warm brown and green duvet, turning off my alarm clock. After forcing myself out of bed I walked over to my mirror observing my messy brown hair and groggy emerald eyes. I could hear my brother, Walker, getting out of bed and heading down stairs. I followed suit grabbing my robe to cover my blue striped shorts and white sports bra. "Hey! Walker!"

"Oh hey, Lilly good morning."

"Morning. So do you think you are gonna be able to stay sober today?" I said stopping him and standing in front of the banister awaiting his response. He scoffed and replied,

"Whatever Lilly  I think I can manage without you babysitting me all day." He just pushed past me and headed to the kitchen. He wasn't an alcoholic or anything ,but he has been getting drunk a lot recently.

"Hey guys!! Get ready for school!!" That's Gene, my mom's best friend. She's watching over us until our parents get back. I just turned around and walked to my room. After closing my door and throwing my robe to the side I walked over to the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and turned on the shower. God my water pressure was horrible. I began to just think about how much this year was gonna suck. Did I forget to mention that today is the first day of my junior year  high school "experience". At least that's what Gene calls it. After my parents disappearing and breaking up with my long-term boyfriend Sean, this year could possibly be the worst. I stepped out of the shower and walked over to my pearl white dresser and pulled out some underwear and a bra. Then I walked over and opened up my closet. I know how cliché this sounds but, honestly I had nothing to wear. I settled on a Grey sweater with some blue jeans and black boots. After taking one last look in the mirror and poking at my makeup I grabbed my bag and marched down stairs and out the door completely forgetting breakfast. My best friend Brie was waiting in the brand new Honda she got for her birthday.

"Lilly!! Come on we're gonna be late!" Brie yelled honking her horn. I looked back and Walker was already walking down the sidewalk with his stoner friends. I just rolled my eyes and got in the car. "So are you ready for this year? I know I am. Alec is like ten times hotter this year! He wants me." She said  starting the car.

"I don't really know Dani." So many thoughts crossed my mind but I just said "It's gonna be hard. I can't forget about what happened. With my parents and with Sean. I think this year is gonna suck."

She frowned and turned off the radio."I know. Just promise me something, Promise that you'll try to have fun this year and that you will maybe even like it." She chuckled and turned to me. I pondered the thought.

"Whatever ." I said turning back on the radio.


We pulled into the school parking lot and my eyes instantly fell to a guy I never saw before. Brie's did too. "Ohh la la, who is that?" She said turning off the car. She looked over to me, totally spaced out and caught up in his mesmerizing golden eyes as he stared back at me. He was flawless. He had broad yet, tame shoulders and a chiseled jawline that just fell under a face lined with dark brown hair. His eyes were golden like crisp fall leaves or -"Hello?! Lilly, earth to Lilian!!"

"Yeah I'm here." I said snapping out of my daze and breaking eye contact. I grinned at her and reached to grab my bag. We sat there in silence for about 10 minuets until the mystery guy knocked on my window causing me and Brie to jump. "Jesus Christ" I said rolling down the window.

"Hello, I couldn't help but, notice you from across the lot. I'm Sam" He kindly opened the door and helped me out. Brie then got out and walked over to us.

"Oh, thanks. I'm Lilian, but you can call me Lilly." I said stepping out.

"That's all great, but we have to get to class." Brie said grabbing my arm and marching away from Sam. She smirked at me and said, "Wow he was hot, right!'' She said squeezing my arm even tighter.

    I wriggled out of her grasp as we approached our lockers. "I mean yeah, he was steaming, but I told you that I'm not ready to date right now. I have to focus on my studies anyway." Just as I opened my locker Sam walked by taking a glance look at me then turning the corner. I just shook my head and grabbed my Geography textbook. "Look, all I'm saying is that I need time. And a 4.o GPA." I slammed my locker door and walked past her and to my grim classroom. Honestly can she mind her own business please? Ugh Geography, why do I have to take this? Everyone knows we aren't getting out of this damn town, lucky if we graduate. We shouldn't even be worried.

A/N: I know its short but bear with me, it will be longer in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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