The First Encounter...Kind of

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A new home, a new school, new people. Everything around me is changing and yet I remain the same. Watching these people walk around, deaf to the true terrors of the world, it makes me envious. Jealous that I will never know the bliss of just existence. I pulled my old worn leather jacket closer to my body in a vain attempt of comfort. The jacket is frayed cracked and worn to hell, but it is the only material possession I have left.
Glancing around I took notice of all the fancy houses, their floor to ceiling windows just screaming of how much money these people have.

Sighing I turned away from the car windows and nervously stroked the rich leather seats. I didn't belong here. I barely belonged anywhere. The last couple of foster homes I had lived in were somewhat nice, some were terrible, but it never worked out. My first home, when I was 10 years old was one of the better ones. They had sent me off to my first day at school. I was very excited to meet new people and make friends. That afternoon a bully had kicked the back of my leg and hit an old burn scar from my birth father putting out a cigar. It hurt so badly that it sent me into a rage. At the end of the beating I was standing over the kid who had a broken nose a broken finger. Those parents gave up on me after that. That was the cause of most of my moves but some were not my fault at all. My most recent one when I was 12 was to a nice man and his wife. They were nice for 6 months before the man was laid off from his job. Once that happened it was pure hell for me. He beat me and his wife constantly, always blaming us for his money troubles. It got really bad one night when in a drunken rage he killed his wife. That same night he beat and cut me the worst he ever has. It was that night that I lost something that was very important to me. Afterwards he was of course arrested and I was taken to the ER.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a slight jerk to indicate that we had stopped. My new parents are very nice people but thought of meeting so many new people scared me. The Harpers run a large foster house that is famous for taking on older foster kids and helping them live long fulfilling lives. They used their large fortune to house, bathe, feed and care for foster kids. They hire a small staff to help and have made many kids into fully functioning adults. They currently have 10 kids in their care, including me.

I hopped out of the car, my old worn skater shoes touching the ground lightly. Despite my large, muscular frame I made very little noise on the pavement. My body had caused me problems in the past with adoption. I mean what sane parents would foster a six foot two muscular teenager, with more scars than a soldier. Apparently the Harpers were that crazy. I looked up and saw a short pale girl looking at me with curiosity. I smiled lightly at her before looking back at the ground.

A light touch on my shoulder, made all of my muscles tense in preparation for a blow while my feet slid into a fighting stance preparing to strike back. I relaxed an instant later when I realised it was just Mr Harper. I bowed my head slightly and signed an apology. He couldn't read the language but I think he knew what I meant.

One more thing I didn't mention, I can't speak.


My day started out normally enough. I woke up in my large soft queen sized bed, with it's silk sheets and soft comforter. I got up and stepped into the shower and brushed my teeth. I wandered downstairs and got some breakfast that Frederick had prepared. Frederick was the family butler. He made our meals and went shopping for food. He had cared for me and my sister all of our lives. He was as much family as I was.

After scarfing down the bacon egg and cheese omelets. I got dressed and walked out to the bus stop. My brand new designer shoes were the latest in teenage fashion, as was the rest of my outfit. As I was waiting for the bus I saw the Harpers drive down the street and pull into their driveway. Now mister Harper was a tall man, almost six feet tall, but the teen that stepped out of the back seat looked like he towered over mister Harper. He was wearing a worn blue t shirt under a black leather jacket with faded blue jeans and beat up sneakers. He looked so different from the other kids in the neighborhood that he could only be the boy that the Harpers had talked about fostering. His form looked big and bulky like a surfer mixed with a heavy weight boxer. His face was bowed but what I could see past his sea blue beanie was a tuft of soft thick brown hair. When he looked up and saw me looking he gave a small sweet smile and then looked back down. He looked really cute. I saw mister Harper come over and set his hand on his shoulder. From the distance I didn't see the boys exact reaction but afterwards he looked at mister Harper and made some weird hand signal. Turning away I saw the big green bus coming to pick me up for the private school that my dad owned.

As I went through the day I couldn't get the thought of that boy out of my head. He was so mysterious and cute. The moment I saw his face I knew I was hooked. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my teachers voice.

"Now today class," she said," we will learn American sign language. Now this may seem like a useless skill but in your future it could help you with your communication skills, and improve your resume for jobs."

I paid some attention to the lesson as Ms Briggs made several hand gestures that represented the different letters and some common phrases. One particular phrase caught my attention, it was the "I'm sorry" sign. I struggled to remember where I had seen it, until it finally clicked. That was the exact sign the boy had made to mister Harper.

This boy just seemed to be getting more and more mysterious, and more alluring by the hour.

(AAAAAAND that's a wrap everybody! Okay so its been a while since I last posted but I totally hit a huge wall of writers block on my other story, but now I'm back BABY! If you have enjoyed this chapter and wish to see more like it, remember to follow and vote for this story! If you have any suggestions PLEASE tell me. Getting suggestions helps me communicate with you guys and hopefully makes this story more exciting! Once I have drummed up some inspiration and support for War of the Elements then that too will be updated and hopefully better than ever! I would like to give a huge thanks and shout out to my lovely Beta reader Heyitsabbyc, she has made both this chapter and all of my other ones a reality. Again thanks for reading and I will see all you guys an gals in the next chapter, PEACE!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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