Well then

24 2 4

I got tagged by _tOtAl_FrEaK_ so LET'SA GO!

1. Nickname
I actually have a nickname my dad calls me which is ChuckDucks (it's where I get my username from :3)

2. Eye colour

3. Hair colour
Dark Brown

4. 1 fact about me
On my right elbow I have a scar from when I bashed me elbow through a window (i cried :( )

5. Fav colour
I can't choose between green or blue so turquoise (so creative XD)

6. Fav place
Teh Internet X3

7. Fav celebrity
Morgan Freeman FTW

8. Fav animal
CATS ALL THE WAY TO SPACE!!! (Me dad's allergic thou X( )

9. Fav song
PVRIS Holy is bae

10. Fav book
Probs Warrior Cats ;3

Ok im tag AbbieBrooke3, bouxrpauline, izzibruh229, JapanANDRussia, MissesJHaHa077 and TheLastFlyingGrayson ok bye :3

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