Chapter One: Into the Woods

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Oh my goodness! My chapter didn't publish! Okay. Here's the actual thing. That's SO weird. I swear I didn't mean to do that!

{A/N: (y/f/d) means your favorite dinner. The poem in this chapter is not mine. Credit: By the way, hello again! I really missed this story. So nice to see you all again!}

"Hey, Coral! Come down here a second," I hear my aunt call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I write the last few words of my poem, feeling pretty satisfied with this one.

"I guess that I can hold you
one more time before you grow
and tell you that I love you
so that you will always know.
Please let me tie your shoe again.
One day you'll tie your own.
And when you think back to this time
I hope it's love I've shown.
Can I help you put your coat on?
Can I please cut up your meat?
Can I pull you in the wagon?
One day you might just care for me,
so let me care for you.
I want to be a part
of every little thing you do.
Tonight could I please wash your hair?
Can I put toys in the bath?
Can I help you count your small ten toes
before I teach you math?
Before you join a baseball team
can I pitch you one more ball?
And one more time can I stand near
to make sure you don't fall?
Let's take another space-ship ride
Up to the Planet Zoor.
Before our Cardboard Rocket
doesn't fit us anymore.
Please let me help you up the hill.
while you're still too small to climb.
And let me read you stories
while you're young and have the time.
I know the day will come
when you will do these things alone.
Will you recall the shoulder rides
and all the balls we've thrown?
I want you to grow stronger
than you knew you could be.
And when you find success
there will be no soul more proud than me.
So will you let me carry you?
One day you'll walk alone.
I cannot bear to miss one day
from now until you've grown."

I like to write poems about things I fear in hopes that when it inevitably comes, it won't hurt as much. I wasn't prepared for my parent's death, and I never plan to go through that again.

Smiling sadly, I drop my pencil and race downstairs and into the kitchen.

I notice that the old wallpaper has peeled itself even further down the wall, and the light still continues to flicker. The water stains on the ceiling don't seem to be getting any better. "Dinner's ready! I made your favorite: (y/f/d)!"

"Thanks, Auntie Adelaide. I love it," I smile, taking a serving.

"You're welcome. How's your birthday been so far?"

"It's been pretty great. I just had another final today, but Maddie brought me a cupcake, and Rita brought me a card. Aaaaand, I got my favorite dinner in the world," I start stuffing my face with the delicious food.

Aunt Adelaide laughs, shaking her head. "Well, I got you a gift too. A couple actually."

"Addy! You didn't have to do that," I jump up from the table and hug her from behind. "You are my favorite person on this planet. I love youuuuu."

"I love you too. They're by the TV if you'd like to grab them."

I race out of the room, through the hallway, and to the tiny living room. Each step I make utters a quiet groan from the floor. Almost tripping over the worn-down converse, I reach the gifts.They're both small boxes. A card rests on top of the both of them. They're the most brightly-colored things I've ever seen. There is something written on the sides of the boxes, but I can't read them in this lighting.

I sprint back into the kitchen and set it down on the table. I urged my fingers to move as fast as they could as I ripped open the envelope. It's made out of an old napkin. It reads:

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