Chapter 1

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(Karisma pov)
Hi my name is Karisma Ryder I am 14. My family is the richest family thanks to my dad David Ryder. I have a sister her name is Lily she is 17 but doesn't live with us cause she's away working on her modeling career . I have a brother who is 15 his name is Austin Ryder. And last but not least my mother Ashely Ryder. You may be guessing oh so since your rich you must be popular right?

Wrong I am the least popular girl everyone hates me even my own family I mean I wouldn't blame them how can anyone love a fat ugly worthless pig. Yep I'm a little on the heavy side I'm not skinny or curvy I'm fat. Instead of trying to be healthy I just eat my problems away. I have short brown hair up to my shoulders i have acne and I am 5'1. And I weigh 182 pounds. But luckily I can count on one person who would never betrayed me the one person who doesn't hate me my best friend Derrick walker .

Today I start high school I am a freshman now I get out of bed and head to school. I walk since my parents are busy and my brother hates me to even walk with me he says and I quote "I don't want to be seen with an ugly fat pig " Obviously that hurt me but I just learned to not say anything.

As I walk in school I hear people calling me names like "fatass" "make way the whale is coming through" "oink oink"
I just ignore them and keep walking then I find Derrick and go to him

"Hey Derrick ", i tell him
But he ignores me Derrick what's wrong I tell him
By now there is a crowd around us.
"What are you doing talking to me fatass Ew your so disgusting get away." After he said those words I felt my whole world crash down like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped to the ground. I had always been bullied my entire life and I never thought that out of everyone out there Derrick would ever says those words to me. By now tears were pouring out of my eyes as everyone was laughing at me including Derrick. " aw the little pig gonna cry " Derrick says. He then pushed me to the floor and stands there smirking while the most popular girl in school comes and slaps me.

I could have sworn I saw a little pity in Derricks eyes but that was quickly replaced with amusement. He and everyone laughed as Natalie punched me and pulled my hair. What was even worse was that my brother was in the crowd as well laughing .And me being the coward I am just stayed there and cried into a ball. The bell rung and everyone left except for Derrick and Natalie . Then Derrick spoke "look at me " so I looked at him " i hope you understand I never liked you you weren't really my best friend I just used you for free stuff I hate you so stay away from me and my new best friend Natalie okay bitch" I node my head " okay good" says Derrick then leaves with Natalie. I just stayed there crying he broke my heart how could he do this to me we were best friends since we were in kindergarten. I thought he cared for me I loved him but I guess he hated me all this time. I actually had a little crush on him.

I decided to ditch school and go home so that is exactly what I did I left and came home I packed my bags I am not staying here any longer I'm running away after I packed my bags I decided to right a letter

Dear reader,
I'm sorry I did this but I couldn't take it any longer I can't stand being somewhere im not loved I thought family was suppose to love each other and care for each other. Well for me it was the opposite. Mom dad please don't look for me all though I bet you wouldn't because your always to busy I'm sorry I was a disappointment as a daughter that you never payed attention to me or spoil me with things like you did with my brother. Austin I'm sorry I was a worthless sister but how could you do this to me you were suppose to protect me but instead you also bullied me. So instead I ran away but don't worry I'll be back till then
Much hate , Karisma
And with that I left I took a bus down to my aunties house hopefully she will take me in.

(Austin pov)
After my worthless sister got her beating I left to class all though I did feel bad but she deserves it for being fat and ugly, when school was over I headed home with my friends I told them bye and headed inside. I said hi to the maid and told her to make me food. I wanted to go see if Ris was okay yes Ris that's the nickname I gave her when we were younger. I went to her room and knocked but no answer so I opened the door. I looked around for her but she wasn't there I looked on her bed and saw a letter titled hell whole I opened it up and began to read
Dear reader,
I'm sorry I did this but I couldn't take it any longer I can't stand being somewhere im not loved I thought family was suppose to love each other and care for each other. Well for me it was the opposite. Mom dad please don't look for me all though I bet you wouldn't because your always to busy I'm sorry I was a disappointment as a daughter that you never payed attention to me or spoil me with things like you did with my brother.
Austin I'm sorry I was a worthless sister but how could you do this to me you were suppose to protect me but instead you also bullied me. So instead I ran away but don't worry I'll be back till then
Much hate , Karisma
After I read her letter tears were pouring out of my eyes she's gone she's really gone and some of this is my fault. She was right I was suppose to protect her to be her protective brother but instead I also bullied her I'm so stupid. I was going to call her but then I remember my parents didn't buy her a phone so I called them they came right away my dad asked what was wrong "what's wrong read this " I said crying then I yelled "this is some of your fault to I hate you guys she's gone and it's our fault I let my baby sister go !!" I said crying and sobbing I went to my room and cried I promise Ris when you come back I'll make it up for you.

(Karisma pov)
I made it to my aunties house finally. I knocked on her door she opens and let me in she asked what I was I doing there and I told her by the time I finished I was crying she just cuddled me she told me I could stay with her as long as I liked I appreciated that from her. I'll be back in 2 years and I'll be back stronger and better. Better watch out Derrick cause I'm bringing hell your way.

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