*+*CH 5: A Watery Problem*+*

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Y/n Your name
N/n NickName

Hey guys, sorry for not uploading, I don't have a good exsuse XD

*+*Your POV*+*
Today we were leaving Scaleswind and heading back to Phoenix Drop, after the incidents.. Yeah.
Scaleswind is now a part of the Phoenix Alliance which helps Phoenix Drop a lot. Lady Aphmau said her goodbye to lord Nicole. The people of Scaleswind were pretty nice, considering their hospitality. There's is one person who I question though, Dimitri, Nicole's son, is a little.. How should I say, firecracker. He sure does know how to get on Katelyn's nerves.

We board our boat swiftly. Aphmau gets the wheel and Katelyn chats with her as she steers. The stranger leans against the flag pole and I stand up at the front of the boat looking into the ocean. Laurance comes up behind me, tapping my shoulder. I turn around and face him.
"Hey, Y/n" Laurance whispers, making sure the others don't hear.

"Hey Laurance, what's up?" I ask and he shrugs. I smile and turn back to the ocean, looking out afar. I sigh contently.

"Its really pretty isn't it" Laurance says. I nod slightly. Laurance chuckles slightly.

"Still the same old N/n" Laurance ruffles my hair. I growl and swat his hand away, adjusting my mask. Laurance chuckles and leaves. The cool air hits my face lightly. I close my eyes and breath in and clear my head.

Suddenly there's a slight rock in the boat, I manage to stay standing. The boat keeps swaying, I begins to rock faster. Suddenly it sways harshly. I attempt grip onto the railing but fail. I slip and begin plunging off the front of the boat. I brace myself for impact on the cold icy water but I never hit it. I look up and see the stranger clinging onto my arm for dear life. He groans as he tries to keep himself up on the ship. His grip starts to slip off the railing of the boat. I gasp as his hand lets go of the oak rails.

We both plunge into the cold water below. I begin panicking and kicking around. Oh yeah, did I mention I can't swim? I hold my breath like my life depended in it.. Wait it does depends on it... Never mind! IM DROWNING!
I begin sinking slowly, air bubbles flowing out if my mouth. I feel myself fade into darkness. Last thing I remember are two strong arms wrapping around me, pulling me to the surface.

*+*Aaron's POV*+*

As I was leaning against the mast pole. I see Laurance stroll up to the front of the boat towards the Mystery girl. They have a chat and Laurance exits the scene. I lean my head against the pole. The boat creeks a bit, the wind seems to pick up slightly.

Suddenly the ship rocks vigorously, I look over at the front of the boat. The Mystery girl slips and attempts to clutch onto the ships railing, she fails and begins falling. I spring up and bolt over to the front. I quickly grasp her hand in mine. My heart beats faster for some odd reason. My other hand grips the railing tightly, attempting to hold both of our weight.

My fingernails dig into the hard oak wood of the railing. My eyes widen as my hand begins slipping. The ship rocks once again, my hand slips of the hard wood. She gasps as we begin plunging into the cold sea. With a large splash we're both engulfed in the icy blue water. Shivers run down my spine due to the cold embrace. I struggle a bit but manage to surface.

I glance around, the Mystery girl hasn't surfaced. I dive under the water and swim for dear life. My heart beats quickly as I worry for her safety. I can see the outline of a person. It's her! I grasp her hand and yank her up out of the water. She's unconscious. I see the boat has stopped, Laurance is panicking and Aphmau is apologizing like crazy. Katelyn throws down a rope ladder, I climb it with the uncouncious girl clutched in my arms.

We get to the deck of the boat. I gently lay the girl on the floor, Aphmau, Katelyn and Laurance crouding around us. I put my ear to her chest...

She's not Breathing

Heyyyyy heh heh heh sorry for not uploading I have no good exsuse I'm just gonna say I am truly sorry guys I've let you down

~Lyssy Out ('・ω・')

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