The Never Trusting

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"Trust is something big", they say but for me trust was nothing but games. It was 1933 the Holocaust has started and really don't know what might happen to me, my family, nor the people. Each day that goes by seems to be getting worse and worse every time. Having to be a servant was never my choice, I never chose to have this life with my family. My brother and sister don't seem to know much of what's going on unlike me and my parents. It all happen that afternoon we had to get into a truck that had Nazis in the truck. The truck was filled with Germans we didn't quite understand what was happening until we realized everything. After they took us we were sent to a house to become servants. The house was surrounded with Nazis army I never knew why Germans were hated so much and treated with so much anger but that how life is at this point.

"Everyone out of the house and line up ready for check up", said the leader of the Nazi army in the house. The army always did a check up to check if we had diseases, sick people, or people that were too sick to work. I didn't quite know what happen to those people they always took them in a big truck and were never brought back. I was next and didn't know what to expect because I was feeling kind of sick.

"What's your identification number,¨ asked a Nazi that was tall and seemed like a nice guy but was forced not to be.

"012714,¨ I showed him my identification number, and took a quick look at me.

"I'll take care of this one", He said. I looked at him a little confused because I was suppose to go through the whole process before we got sent to the trucks or got sent back to work. I looked over to see his badge and his name was Giovanni. He started to look through a bag that said "Emergency kit". He took out a bottle that seemed to be medicine and told me to drink a little bit of it.

"What are you doing?,¨ I asked him

"Helping you out but listen to me, you can't say anything about this unless you are trying to get killed out there just like all the other Germans that are getting killed,¨ He Said.

I didn't understand why he was helping me if he was suppose to not like us Germans. I didn't ask anything and he took me back to the line and told his geral that I was good and got sent back to work. I really wanted to ask him why he did what he did back at the check up. My parents seemed to be busy making the food and my brother and sister getting the table ready so I decided to go and talk to Giovanni but I had to be careful that nobody saw me talking to him.

"Hey ummm, can I talk to you?,¨I asked him.

"Yea sure but make it quick because anybody can come through the back at any time,¨ He said.

"Why did you do me that favore and didn't let them take me knowing I was sick?," I asked him.

"I did it because the moment I saw you I thought you were such a beautiful girl to die too early," He told me.

I didn't know what to say, those words gave me hope, hope on that everything would get better hope that nothing would happen to me and my family.

"Are you ok? You zoned out there a bit,¨ He asked

"Oh yea I'm good sorry about that I should get going before anyone sees us,¨ I said

"Yea true well bye,¨ He said

I honestly didn't know what to think how can there be someone who doesn't know me that well just say that to me. I didn't know weather it was a trap or something else but I was scared to fall. As time went by me and Giovanni started to talk more and more but hiding because he was a Nazia and I was a Jew. Every afternoon when the house owners were at eating dinner I went through the back door and next to the bushes we would talk. Everyday that went by seems to be a new memory with him I was falling for him more and more. I was not sure if it was the right thing to do because of how things were at the time.

"Katarina!,¨ My mother screamed out loud.

"What happen?,¨ I asked.

"We are going to have to be more careful the Nazi army is going more crazy now we don't know what can happen,¨She said.

I was not happy with what my mother had told me I didn't know if I would ever see Geovanni again, I didn't know if I would be alive anymore, I didn't know if I would ever reach my dream of becoming a nurse. My whole world had come upon me. The next afternoon I meet up with Geovanni but something didn't seem right.

"Are you alright Geovanni?,¨ I asked him.

"No, I don't know if you heard yet but the Nazi army is getting more stricter and soon there will be a final solution,¨ He said.

"Final solution? What do you mean?,¨ I said

"Final solutions is to get rid of all the Jews." He said

I was shocked I didn't know what to think anymore It hurt to face reality but I had too I had no other choice. It hurt so much to know that I would not be able to see Giovanni probably ever again or my family. I cried in front of Giovanni and he held me tight the way he held me felt like a "GoodBye forever" hug but I didn't want that to be the last hug. "Everything will be ok I promise, we will fight together and I promise nothing will happen to you" were the words he told me and I will never forget.

"Hey you!,¨someone yelled out.

I took a quick look and it was a Nazi soldier. I decided to run away and gunshots started to go off as I ran off. The first thing that went through my head was that they had killed Geovanni. I went running into the house and my mom was so confused and I told her everything. The look on my mom's face was not good she was so scared and so was my dad. The Nazi general came in looking for me. They took me with them and the crying of my parents and siblings was something that hit me very hard at that point I just want to be happy and not be like this.

"You are accused of trying to have some type of relationship with a Nazi soldier", said the general.

"I do...,¨ I said.

"Soldier Geovanni said that you were the one looking for him", said the soldier.

"That's not true,¨I said.

"We will have to see about that tomorrow, take hero the camp,¨said the general.

I got sent to a camp and early in the morning I had to go speak to the general. I was waiting in a room when the general came in calling me in. I saw Giovanni and he was a completely different person he looked at me straight in the eyes with anger.

"Geovanni did you ever or do have any type of relationship with this jew?,¨asked the general.

Geovanni looked at me deep in the eyes with anger and it was honestly the worst feeling ever.

"No,¨ Geovanni said.

In that moment I felt my heart break I never thought he would turn out to be someone who I thought he would never be.

"You lied jew!,¨ said the general to me.

"Sir I didn't! Geovanni tell him the truth tell him about everything you can't do this to me what happen to everything you told me and promised me!,¨ I yelled out loud.

"Take her back to the camp she shall be executed tomorrow morning with the others!,¨ said the general.

I never felt so betrayed It was time for me to face reality in this world nothing can be trusted. Your worst enemy can be the closest person you have.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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