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Five...Four...Three...Two...One...  I winnow myself through the dark mists, weaving gracefully and gently, careful not to  disturb the calling, ancient winds.  I glide through, taking small, light steps, my face  turning out towards the magnificent, bright light approaching. I beam up at the shocked faces of Tamlin, Lucien and Ianthe as I fully appear in none other then the dastardly Spring Court.  "Hello, old friends," I smirk "ready to make an alliance with the amazing Night Cour-" I look around me at the bedazzled room full of many unused luxuries and see that my fellow court haven't arrived yet. "Rhyyyys," I mutter. "I'll be right back..." Then with a grin at the extremely confused looks on the Spring Courts faces, I winnow back to the Night Court. While gliding through the darkness I angrily ponder how we have ruined our powerful entrance.  With an angry bang I appear into the dining room where Rhysand, Mor, Cassien, Azriel and Amren are waiting. "Guys," I whine "where were you? I was stuck awkwardly in the Spring Court." 

"We didn't say to go yet," Rhys chuckles, his chest expanding with a laugh. 

"We tried to call after you, but you didn't hear us" Cassien say's lazily scratching his elbow. "We thought we should wait for you to come back."

"Well, no more time to waste now that you ruined our dramatic entrance," Amren sighs. I glare at her and she just waves me off.

"Ready for a take two on the dramatic entrance to begin our hopeful alliance with the Spring Court," I ask, cosying up to Rhys. He smiles and places an arm around my waist. 

"Lets go on three, two and one," Azriel softly commands us. 

As I, once again make my way into the Spring Court, this time in Rhys' s arms, I snuggle into him and he smiles and kisses my head. I now start to think about how this is the first time I'm going to talk to Lucien, Tamlin and Ianthe since they locked me in their tower. Suddenly feeling very cold I reach up to feel Rhys's warmth and he murmurs "Everything will be fine, Feyre." I scrunch my hand around the fabric of his back and sigh.

Woosh. We land  in the glamorous room, one of the many I was forbidden to ever enter.  I swallow my grief , a ball of pain that slides slowly down my throat. I square my shoulders, paste a smile onto my face and stare, once again, right into the face of my, once lover, Tamlin.   

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