Part 1

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Unsure of whether I want BillDip or not. Just a heads up in case it happens. Also I have no idea why I made this so long.

3rd Person POV

After the tower was blown to bits by Bill, both nerds were pulled to the ground by intense gravity, unable to move. "Well well well, isn't this interesting?!" Bill asked as he enlarged himself and teleported over to them. His eye then changed to first a six fingered hand and then a pine tree as he said, "Its my two old puppets ready for an encore!" "Let us go Bill!" Ford ordered as the demented dorito demon only laughed. "For the last time I'm not a dorito! Get it right meat sack!" Bill said knowing full well he was in denial. "Who are you talking to?" Dipper asked looking all over, trying to find the fourth wall.

"Its not important! Anyway, you can't tell me what to do Sixer! In case you haven't noticed I'm back and better than ever! I could kill you right now if I wanted to. In fact," Bill said throwing Dipper off of the roof, him landing ironically in a pine tree. Its branches saved his life, and he could only watch helplessly as Bill stared down at Ford. "Now how to kill you? Hmmm, maybe I should cook you like a steak and have a human barbeque! Or maybe I should see what height I have to drop you from to make the biggest splat! Or I could just do both with your corpse!" Bill said getting his fingers ready to snap Ford's life away with one simple gesture.

"WAIT!!!" Dipper shouted from his tree. "Aw, does my newest puppet not like me favoring my first? Don't worry, you were always the strongest one on the wheel, and your magic skill amazing. I might just spare you," Bill said moving away from Ford and floating over to Dipper. "I wanna make a deal!" Dipper said catching Bill's curiosity. "Alright kid, I'm listening," Bill said giving himself ears. "You leave Gravity Falls alone, and only Gravity Falls. Everyone I care about will be safe, and you can take over anywhere else in the entire globe!" Dipper said as Bill's ears poofed away. "That's an awful lot of demands Pine Tree, what kind of compensation do I get?" Bill asked as Dipper slid down the conifer. "Me," he said simply as Ford's face turned to one of pure horror.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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