Forever In My Mind

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  • Dedicated to Ricky Garcia

I haven't seen Ricky since he moved to California. I was happy he was trying to make his dreams come true but I missed his crooked smile, his sense of humor, and his joyous laugh. The plane ride to California was long, a little too long, but it would be worth it.

I decided to message Ricky on Facebook: Hey. How's Cali? Are you planning to visit soon?

As I waited for a reply a flight attendant interrupted my train of though "Miss. Hello?" "Oh sorry, yes?" "Would you like something to drink?" "No I'm good, thanks though." "Is this your first plane ride you look worried?" "No I'm just excited. I'm visiting my friend Ricky, he's on the XFactor." "Oh my daughter loves him." "Aw that's so sweet. He doesn't exactly know I'm coming but it'll be a nice surprise." "Yeah, alright have fun." That was awkward. As I looked back at my phone I noticed I had a message from Ricky. It read: Hey, it's great up here and I'm gonna try to visit soon it's just hard with the XFactor you know? But I miss you and jack a lot, so it won't be too long.

I typed back: Well you won't have to wait too much longer.

I waited for a reply, nothing. As I was waiting I must have drifted off to sleep because when I awoke we were over palm trees and beautiful beaches.

"This is your captain speaking, we will be landing on the runway in about 5 minutes."

I can't believe how beautiful it is. I decided to check my phone once more.

What do you mean Tori?

I didn't reply, every love story needs a little suspense right? As I grabbed my bags and hopped off the plane I couldn't decide whether to call a cab or ride the bus. I went with a cab. "Where are you going?" "Uhhhm I actually don't know. I need to find my friend's house." "What's his name?" "Uh Ricky Garcia, he's on the Xfactor." "I can't just take a random girl there. You could be phsyco." "Very valid point there sir, I can just call him." So I dialed his number I mean this jerk won't take me there.

"Hey Ricky can you please tell this guy I'm your friend?" "Uh sure yeah guy, were best friends." "Oh uh my bad." This guy doesn't know anything. "Alright Ricky bye, see you soon."

"Uh, Miss you still wanna ride?" "Not from an ass." I grabbed my suitcases and I started walking.

I walked about a mile towards Ricky's street when a car pulled up. "Hey your Ricky's friends from Texas right? Uh Tori, I think." "Yeah your Jon." "You wanna ride to his house?" "Um if it's no trouble." "Mom can we give her a ride?" Jon was kinda cute, but before Ricky moved we were dating. So I can't go and date his best friend. "Of course." "Thank you so much ma'am." As we pulled up to Ricky's house I was at lost for words. It was this huge dream house. "Thanks for the ride Jon and Jon's Mom." "No problem." *knocks on door* I heard the door unlock.

As it opened I saw a familiar face. "Ricky!" "Tori! What are you doing here?" "I had to come see you it's been a whole year." "I missed you so much. How'd you get here." He started laughing his same oils laugh. I haven't heard it for a few months, since the last time we FaceTimed. "I started walking after I left the LAX airport then well, Jon gave me a ride." I can't believe it, I know we're only fourteen but I love this kid with all my heart. He's been there for me anytime I needed him. When my mom died, he let me stay with him for a month and he bought me flowers everyday. I could have ran my own flower shop! Then when my dad kicked me out, Ricky took me to a movie then to fireworks. In the 8th grade he asked me to go to the dance with him, but we ended up skipping it to go to the lake. He even stayed by my side when I started cutting... it was something I shouldn't have done but there was so much going on. He helped me through it all. That's why he has my heart, but will I ever have his?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2013 ⏰

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