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One shot. Two shot. And another one. Multiple gunshots could be heard throughout the city of Boston. Police siren's all around the area, as yet another innocent bystander being mistaken for a local gang member and as a result being sent away to prison. What a wonderful time, wouldn't you agree? Heading over to Dorchester, there you could see a group of teenagers standing in an alleyway smoking some marijuana and drinking some booze.

"Jack, can you pass the lighter?" A guy around the age of 19, with dark brown hair and brown eyes asks, nothing out of the ordinary there.

Jack scoffs and tosses the man the lighter. "It wouldn't kill you to get off your lazy ass and fetch it yourself once in a while eh, Chad?" The other just rolled his eyes at his response and continued to light his blunt. "Have you heard that they caught another one of those 14's?"

Another guy in the corner of the alley chuckled loudly and slapped his knee, "Yeah! Those punks have to be the weakest out of all gangs. It's not even just in Dorchester!" He continued his loud laughter and wiped his eyes, "No, but seriously. The worst the 14's have done is steal a few TV's from a warehouse." Jack and Chad chuckled along with him until something had beeped.

"Fuck. It's time to get back to the boss." Chad says looking at his watch on his wrist, that has the numbers 93 engraved in the middle of it. Jack coughs and nods putting his blunt out and stuffing the rest of his alcoholic drink in his jacket.

The other man that's name can be classified as, Eric looked up from his phone and sighed. "He's probably going to give us another game plan on how to ambush the 22's." The other two men shrugged and they all started walking.

If you don't know yet, the 22's and the 93's are the most well known and dangerous gangs throughout all of Boston. Their leader's have disliked each other since the dark ages, no one has a clue how it started but everyone does know to not cross them. The 93's territory is Dorchester while the 22's is Roxbury. They're so dangerous that police warn families moving in to those neighborhoods to consider somewhere else.

93's hideout is an old warn out building, it was last used for a small mall but has recently been shut down because of bad reputation. It has nothing on the front except for a dark red stripe painted on the side, so that everyone in the gang understands that this building is the current hideout. If it was yellow, that must mean that the authorities were involved and they had to relocate and green means that another gang has ambushed them.

All three guys walked to the entrance and knocked on the door four times, pausing between each knock. The door had opened slowly to reveal a masked man motioning them inside. Jack nodded and Chad plus Eric gave a thumbs up.

A room was at the far end of the hallway and had the initials, 'ZM' painted on the door in red. Eric decided that he would knock this time and heard a deep voice allowing them to enter.

"You lads are a tad late, aren't you?"

Chad gulped and responded, "There was some confusion on the time we were supposed to be back, sir. It won't happen aga–" He had been cut off by the leader waving his hand.

He chuckled, "I was only teasing ya' I'm not upset. But I do have some more info on the leader from the 22's" All three boys stood still for that.

"As you know. Their leader is Justin Bieber, cocky little shit. Always thinks that everyone as to do what he says just because he was the one that said it." Zayn rambled on and sighed, "Anyways, his gang is a unisex one, correct?"

Chad nodded, "Yes, so far he has three females recruited. Abigail, Mira and Stephanie. I did a background run on them and they all lack brains, their IQ's were below 2.5 and their GPA's in school didn't even make the cut for a 3.0. It's obviously that Bieber recruited them for their looks. As because, Stephanie has a big bust and Mira too. Abigail may lack that but is still very thick, especially in her rear end."

"Basically, she has a fat ass." Jack added and Chad shrugged and nodded.

"Ha," Zayn smiled, of course it would be like Justin to have a unisex gang and not even focus on strength or actual abilities. Just looking for a cheap fuck. "Too bad, I was looking forward into seeing what they could do." Maybe another time, he thought.

Zayn continued on anyways, "As I was saying, because he has a unisex gang he has more advantages over us. They may be stupid but they do have their appearances. Which so far has helped them rob two banks and a small convenience store. It's quite interesting on what a woman's body can get you these days."

"Man, that sucks." Eric said. "All we need is one female member that actually has skills and we would have them all in a body bag."

Jack agreed on that, "That is true, we could find a female member of our own. She would help us get closer to the 22's. We can even go cliché and have her do some undercover action." Chad scoffed and smacked his head.

"Idiot. How can we do that when all gang member have to have the tattoo? They're obviously gonna know something is up if they see it."

"Not if we place it in a place they won't look." Zayn responded, "Maybe under her breast? Somewhere private where no one over there wouldn't think to look or touch. It's not a bad idea though. I may know a few females that have taken hand to hand combat a few years ago, we could give them a touch up and teach them how to handle a weapon."

All four of them came to an agreement to try and find a female with high standards and good strength and agility. It wasn't going to be easy, but if they wanted to end the 22's without all the bullshit. This had to be done. If only they knew that this female would have a bigger impact on their lives than they realize.






Alright then! I'll see you Friday!

- kyra <3

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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