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You left me with my heart in my hands.

Crumbled to pieces.

I cried for you but you didn't answer. I screamed for you but you never came.

What is love when it makes me feel this way?

But this man, a beautiful man he-

He heard my cries, he came looking when I screamed. He came running when you failed.

In the end, he helped me find me when all you did was flee.

- T


1 year and a half ago.

"Zayn and I wanted to thank everyone for coming today for the family cookout. This is how family is supposed to be you know? 'm glad we got passed the drama and realized that love is all that matters. I don't know about you all but I enjoyed myself and so did the twins since both of them are knocked out sleep. But, I honestly love all of you guys and now Niall has an announcement he wants to make." Harry said motioning me to come over. I shook my head trying to convince him that I'm not ready.

Everyone's attention turned to me and I blushed looking at the floor and soon I walked over to Harry, everyone backing up to make a clear lane for me to walk down. Dammit. I looked up to see Liam's curious eyes on me and I bit my lip. This could go two ways. And both will change my life forever.

The quiet chatter that had begun after Harry had ended his speech, had quieted down to little murmurs. Everyone was looking at me expectantly. I coughed into my fist and looked all around the room, facing the people I've grown to know. Josh and Louis. Hayden, Harry's nana and father and his grandfather even Gemma.

You can do this Niall. Just say it. No one will judge you. Look how happy Harry and Zayn is for god sakes. Don't you want the same?

I rocked back and forth steadily on my feet, sweat building up on my forehead while I gathered the few words I was going to say in my brain.

This is it. I'll just let it out and everyone just has to know. Here goes nothing. "I uh, I found out recently that I am pregnant." Everyone gasped except for Harry and Louis since they were the only ones who knew. Since they did accompanied me to the doctor's office.

The chatter started up again and I cleared my throat causing it to go quiet again. I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled. "I'm 2 months and I'm so happy. I know this is unexpected but I can't believe it really. Liam you're going to be a father can you believe it?" I asked with a smile as my eyes watered a bit. I caught a quick glimpse of Hayden's face and a very noticeable frown was evident in his features. His face held different emotions but the most dominant one was distraught.

Baby Nate (Niam) JBU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now