Strange Feelings

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I cried. I screamed and cried the hardest and loudest that I could. I cried like there was no tomorrow, because as things looked there wouldn't be one for me as I stared into my sister's lifeless eyes, and saw the outline of my mother's corpse.

Earlier my mother had told me and my twin sister Athena to go gather blueberries for her pie. Athena of course, holding true to the goddess she had been named after wanted to sit around and strategize for an entire hour just to get blueberries. In the middle of her marking a map of where the best were, the quckest route all other stuff she was doing I grabbed my cape, the small wooden basket and ducked out of the house before she could complain.

I spent hours trying to figure out which berries to pick. My mother had once taken me and Athena out and explained what berries could be picked and which ones could stay and continue to ripen. I had eventually gotten bored and wandered off to kill a rabbit or a bird and try to eat it.

After an hour or two, I wandered home, my basket only halfway full with blueberries, much to my own dissapointment. I always liked to prove I could do well on my own without Athena. With only a halfway full basket I could hear her nagging voice in my head, 'Only halfway? Prove you need my guidance Ares!' I grumbled as I opened the door to our little cottage and was met with the sight of bandits robbing what little possessions me and my family owned.

I dropped the basket and went into a blind rage at the sight of my fallen sister and mother, and ran with anger towards the bandit closest to them. I punched the man in then gut, he was tall and his stomach was at a perfect height for me to hit. The man grunted in pain and my mouth twitched into a triumph smile-until he hit me in the head with a stick that is. I tumbled next to my sister, and was met with her cold lifeless brown eyes. I fell tears come to my own black eyes, our eye color was our only difference. We were the same height, same red hair, same build, but now, her eyes were cold and lifeless, while mine were warm and filled with tears. And I started wailing wondering when one of the bandits would put me out of my misery

Finally, a bandit came and hit me in the head, effectively shutting up. They all must of thought I was dead as well becuase the next minute, they were yelling to pack everything up and head out.

When they left I waited a good ten minutes to make sure they were completely gone. I sat up with pain ringing throughout my body and observed my home, messier than usual and almost completely bare. I looked down at Athena and our mother before quickly looking away and attempting not to throw up.

I almost started sobbing again when I saw home my mother had died. She was stabbed in the stomach - I half-choked half-soobbed remembering how she said she wouldn't want to die that way. Blood had spilled out and onto the remains of her soft blue dress, along with what I assumed was the insides of her stomach

Athena had instead been clobbered too death it seeemed. Bruises were blooming on her face and arms. Her neck had a nasty cut across the middle, caked with dry blood. I felt anger boil up inside me as I stared at them both, and silently swore to kill off the bandits who had wrecked my home and stolen my family from me.

Wanting to give them a proper burial, I wandered into the kitchen for the shovel my mom kept with her at all times. I don't know why, she just did. But it appeared that was stolen as well. So instead I walked to the room Athena and I had shared, and grabbed two blankets, a pillow and my backpack. I shoved one blanket and the pillow into the bag and slung it over my shoulder. I walked into the living room and draped my brown blanket over both of them, making sure they were completely covered. Leaning down I kissed both of their foreheads and took the silver, heart-shaped locket from around my mother's neck-it had a picutre of me and Athena as babies, mother and our father-when he was still alive of course. As I clasped the necklace around my own neck, I gave my family's corpses one last long look and left my home and started walking through the forest to the nearest village. I guess I would live to see tomorrow after all.

Chapter 1

April 9

I pulled my long red hair back up into a ponytail, knowing it would make me look more feminine than I already was. I pulled on my black cape to hide the slight muscle on my arms - it wasn't much but it would still be a dead giveaway. As I hid my blanket and pillow behind a dumpster inside the ally I currently resided in I sauntered to the cobblestone road, bustiling with people and animals.

I leaned against a small house putting a coy look on my face as I played with the dead ends of my hair. My plan had obviously worked when a tall middle - aged man came over. "Why hello little lady~" his voice came out raspy, making me shudder in disgust. I never knew what the men I stole from wanted from me - I never stayed long enough to find out. I looked at him, tilting my head in a way I knew made me appear what one guy I had met called, "Irresistable". "Yes?" I answered in my most gently voice. I felt the man come closer and play with my hair, his filthy breath against my ear and unshaved beard scratching my cheek in the most unpleasant way. "You are amazingly attractive, what is your name?" I moved away from him quickly, trying to give a playful smile, " I'll tell you for a few gald or a meal!" The man chuckled pulling out a huge sack the jingled filled to the brim with the cash. "Playing that game huh? Well that's ok I-HEY"

I quickly snatched the bag and grinned devilishly, "Thanks old man!~ Oh yeah by the way, take a bath." I stuck my tongue out and ran down the street, ignoring the man's yells. After a few minutes of running I ducked into a dark alleyway, curling into a ball and decided to count my earnings for today. 45 gald. That could by me at least 3 loafs of bread and a few drinks. I quickly pocketed the money and jumped back into the street with my hood up. I took on a slow pace that didn't attract attention. It takes a while but It pays off when I get food in my stomach.

I turned into the first pub, resturant whatever they're called I don't know since I can't read and went into a table in the corner. A woman in a low - cut short dress came. Obviously a waiter from her face splitting smiles. "Hello and welcome to The Rabbit's Hide! What can I get you dearie?" The woman's voice was so velvety and sweet I almost gagged. I pulled out a few gald and slid them towards her. "Some bread with meaty stew." I freaking loved meat. It was always the first thing I spent my earnings on. The woman gave a smile as she nodded taking her pay and running to the back to put in my order.

With a bored sigh I pushed down my hood and undid my ponytail, letting my fiery red hair cascade down my back. Hearing the pub door open I glanced over expectnig to see some sad drunkard but was met with a more alarming sight. Three Royal Guards. Two male and a female. I had encounter multiple guards and I was sure it was at least half of the team or whatever they call themselves I had met. Under my stealing conditions of course.

The elder-looking of the three caught me looking and turned his head toward me, looking me up and down. We stared at each other a few minutes and was interupted by the woman coming back and setting my food on the wooden table. "Bread and stew! Anything else you need... uh?" she looked confused and I groaned irritated, knowing she was talking about my gender. "I'm a male, and no thanks." The woman immediantly flushed, embarassed, "O-Oh I'm sorry sir! Please enjoy your meal!" I scoffed and practically inhaled my food when she left. I felt stares upon my back but hey, it had been a day or two since I had eaten. Once I finished my bread-which was a little stale but I wasn't complaining- I slowed down the pace with my stew, preferring to enjoy it.

Halfway through my stew a smooth, deep voice interupted me. "Hey, aren't you a little young to be in a place like this young lady?" Iglared upwards, and did a little painful swallow at the sight of the guard I had stared down earlier. "I'm a dude genius! Now leave me alone." I stubbornly devoured the rest of my stew and stood quickly, exiting the pub and entering the cool night air.

I quickly walked to the ally I been in earlier and reached behind the dumpster, grabbing my pillow and blanket. Moving to the corner of the ally, I quickly laid down and covered myself withmy blanket, curling my body for warmth. As I stared at the night sky, I had a sudden realization, "It's Athena and my birthday next week.." Exactly seven days.

"Turning 14... Never thought I'd grow up without Athena or mom..." I held back tears as my hand went up to mindlessly play with my silver lockket. Shutting my eyes I let myself be taken into my nightly dark void, hoping not to have any nightmares tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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