Prince Harry (Harry Styles)

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Chapter 1 

"Please welcome our majesty. Prince Harry!"

People over the world came to watch one person be awarded and praised by millions of people either wishing to have them or to be them. 

A large crowd of people cheered excited as the prince walked to edge of his balcony. A large smile spread across his beautiful features. He gave a wave to the crowd below him, they screamed and yelled, individuals trying to get his attention. Harry stared down at the crowd with pure love and happiness. The king and queen stepped out onto the balcony along with their prince and waved. 

Prince Harry, a nineteen year old boy, had everything boy could want, girls, money, a family, friends, food, a house, gaming systems, lust.. But he wanted one thing in particular, love. 

Harry had never been in love with a women before, sure he'd had countless girlfriends and flings, but it never ceased the wish for that woman in particular. He thought that if he waited long enough he wouldn't have to search for her, she'd find her way to him.

He's been all around the world searching for the girl of his dreams, he's met plenty of women, but none seem to catch his eye. Women show lust and needing towards him, sometimes he'll accept their offers for something intimate, but he doesn't feel anything towards them. His parents try desperately to find him a girl who he can spend his life with, a royal girl. But he doesn't want some girl who he has to compete with, he wants a girl who is simple. 

Harry doesn't have a special 'type' of girl. He just wants a girl who is natural, beautiful and down to earth. 

"Come Harry, we must be on our way." He turned to see his mother and father walking away from him. He reluctantly walked away from the balcony edge and inside their home. Slowly, he took one last look outside before the doors closed. Shutting him off from the rest of the world. 

As the day passed on, Harry sat re reading a book he had read millions of times, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. His mind imagining how he would go if he was in Hogwarts. He smiled at himself and shook the silly thought out of his mind. He was so captivated in the book he hadn't realised that his mother and father had sat down next to him. "Harry, dear. You need to keep your head out of books." His mothers stern voice caused him to sigh. 

Harry had wished his parents weren't so controlling over him and what he does. He suspected the reason for them coming to talk to him, was that they had found a new girl for him to marry. He memorised the page number and closed the book. "Harry, we've found another woman for you to consider marrying. She's a little different than the usual women we get for you, but we're sure of her."

He gave a stiff nod to his parents, his mother quickly clapped her hands in the direction of the door. A lady walked in with a big and bold gown on. Harry blinked in amazement as the women walked in, he was shocked at how old she looked! His eyes looked all over her face and body. She looked as if she was 38! Harry was disappointed of his parents for choosing a women old enough to be his mother. 

"Harry, meet Caroline Flack." As he looked at her, his mind was going mental! He was angry that the women they picked was nearly twice his age! Harry slowly stood up and held out his hand. Caroline shoved her hand into his and pulled his body forcefully onto hers. She wrapped her large arms around his neck, strangling him in the process. He heard his parents leave the room, he mentally cussed their names for leaving him alone with this woman. 

He forcefully pulled out of her death grip and sat back on the sofa and opening his book to the right page. Caroline looked down at Harry in complete disgust. Obviously not happy about his attention on the book and not her. "If your just going to stand and stare at me, I suggest you leave now." Harry's voice stern. Caroline rolled her eyes and sat down onto the sofa, a little to close to Harry. Her hand slyly found it's say onto his dress pants, rubbing slow circles. 

Harry had the idea of shoving her off the balcony, but decided against it because it seems like too much hard work. Harry shifted uncomfortably, not trying to be rude, but also trying to get away from Caroline. Her hand growing dangerously closer to his groin. She smirked as Harry tried shift away from her touch. "Don't struggle baby, me and your crotch know you want me." Her words desperate and sensual. Her fingers brushed over Harry's growing bulge.

He took a sharp breath in as her hand started palming over the large bulge. He wanted to vomit and to run away, but his body was stuck in place. He had no control over his body. Caroline's lips connected with the skin over his jawline. Sucking and nibbling the tender skin. Harry closed his eyes, wishing to be anywhere but here, being sexually harassed by a older women. Her hands popped open his dress pants and the zipper opened by itself from the large bulge in his boxers. 

Her hand groped him tightly causing to groan. His mind going blank, his body locked into place. He tried to ask her to stop, but his voice was nowhere to be heard. He had only realised now that her hand had gone into his boxers. Her hand working around his crotch. "You know Harry, your very big. I can just imagine-" Her sentence cut off as Harry shoved her off him. He quickly fixed his pants and straightened himself. "You will leave now before I yell for security and ring the poliece for sexual harrassment." His voice croaked. 

Caroline's face showed shock and fear. She quickly stood up and began to walk towards the door, but before she did, she gave Harry a quick peck on his neck, admiring the purple bruises she'd caused. As the door closed, he slumped down on the sofa, he had thoughts running through his mind. Would she tell the press they'd had sex? How wound his parents react? How to get rid of the memories of the violation? The door swung open to have his parents storm in. "Harry! Why is she leaving?"

Of course he thought. Harry knew his parents would immediately take the girls side. "Because I asked her to." His voice showed anger and hurt. His mother and father examining the purple bruising on his neck. A look of disgust and disappointment showed over their features. "Harold! You can't just have sex with them and tell them to leave!" A loud shattering sound erupted in the room. A china plate smashed into a million pieces. Harry's chest rising and falling heavily. He couldn't believe his parents would betray him like that. 

"That's not what bloody happened!" With that he grabbed his book and left the room, slamming the door. His parents stood and stared at the door in shock, wondering what had happened to their little Prince Harry.

"Ah Mr Styles, your dinner is waiting for you." The butlers voice old and soft. Paul, ever since Harry was a small child, he could remember Paul being advised to be Harry's butler, to help Harry when he needed it, to look after Harry, to watch over Harry, and to be parent to him. Paul treated Harry like he was his own son, eventhough Paul already had a son and daughter. Harry looked up at the butler, in his eyes pleading for Paul to leave him be for a while. Paul knew Harry's parents were always trying to force Harry to marry women he didn't love.

Slowly, Paul walked out of Harry's bedroom. The door quietly clicking shut. A loud sigh left Harry's lips as he sat in one of the chairs in his room. The silence was getting into Harry's head, a bottle of whiskey sitting on the table next to him half empty. Harry knew that if his mother or father came into the room, he wouldnt be able to control his anger towards them. This was the second time they had sided with a filthy whore who only wanted the fame and fortune of dating Prince Harry. 

He looked towards the closed window, wishing that he could leave the masion they lived in. Harry had always wondered what it would be like to not be a royal. All through his life, everything had been given to him on a silver platter with nothing to give back. He took another swig of his Whiskey as he thought of a normal life. A single tear rolled down his right cheek. He didn't bother to wipe it away or to wipe away the trail of salty water it left behind. 

Soon enough the bottle of whiskey was empty and the room was spinning slightly. Harry tried to navigate his way towards his door but he tripped over his own feet and landed on the ground with a loud thud. He cussed at himself as his body started to hurt from the fall. He finally pulled himself up and walked out of his room to where he suspected where his parents were. A small voice kept telling him that it was a bad idea to go stir up trouble while under infulence of alcohol, but he pushed the voice back and kept a slow pace to his parents.

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Tash <3

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