introduction and Chapter 1.

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~~An: hello I'm Shadow. You can call me Kiki or Shadow. Whichever floats your boat.This is my first book on wattpad and it might take me some time to get used to this. If only someone could help me * cough* hint * cough*
Lol so yeah. Hope you enjoy and criticism is always welcome

Y/n - your name

Or I might put

F/n- first name

L/n - last name

E/n/n- embarrassing. Nick name

E/c- eye colour

F/C- favourite colour.

L/F/C- least favourite Colour

H/l- hair length

H/c- hair colour

More will be added as they pop back into my head

This chapter is going to be shorter than what they will normally be just because I tend to over write things.

An over~~

"But mom, I don't want to go. I finally have friends here now. Please can't we just stay here?" you asked pleadingly. You were stressed out. Your mom had gotten the opportunity to advance in her job, and was required to move. "Honey, you know I can't pass this up. Its my dream Y/N," your mother said, hovering in the doorway to your empty bedroom. "Im sorry, really I am, but one day you'll understand the choice I'm making," she kept talking, knowing the more she said, the more you would forgive her. "Mom, what about Kaitlyne and Allyssa? How will we stay in touch. I don't want to give up my friends," you tried bringing them into your argument, even though they had clearly stopped wanting to talk to you."I don't know Y/N. It's too late to change our minds now," and then she exited your already empty room.

Mom I know, If it's your choice then I respect that, it's just... Out of all Times, we have to go now.

You shake the thoughts out of your mind, and go to your, already packed, suitcase. You decide it would be a good idea to take out your laptop for the airplane ride.
Maybe I should bring my sketchbook too, in case I get bored on the way there.
You reach for your sketchbook but the spine was caught on something, and before you could untangle the spirals your mom had called you down, as it was time to go.
You quickly zipped up your suitcase and rolled it out of your room, your shoulder already starting to hurt from the laptop strap that hung over you.

After centuries worth of footsteps you and your bumpy suitcase make it to the car, and settled in. Pretty soon after you get comfortable your mom asks you to come and help her get one last thing from her room. Reluctantly you go in, not wanting to be rude.

On the way there you stop and say goodbye to all the fond memories you had in your house. Heck you were even going to miss that random blood stain on the wall. I still don't know how that even got there....
You reach your mother's room, and hesitate in the doorway when you see her standing in the center of the well lit room holding a rectangular box.
It takes you a few seconds to realize that it wasn't just one box, but four black boxes tied together by a F/C translucent ribbon. You step out of the door frame.
"So what was it you needed help getting mom?" you ask unsurely. She just smiles and chuckles.
"I wanted to give you these," she holds them out to you. "You can open them now," she said softly, giving you that motherly smile of hers.
Carefully you untie the F/C ribbon, and slip the box lid off. After moving some tissue paper out of the way you stop, paralyzed by what you saw. It was a beautiful ,multishade of purple, dragons eye necklace. You look back at Mom.
Why give me these now? Why no wait 'till my birthday?

You looks back down at the other, beautifully decorated boxes.
Why go through the trouble of even getting me these?

You put on the necklace and your mother smiles at you.
You put the box that once held the luminescent necklace under those of which you hadn't opened yet.
Next you start to open the second box, treating it with even more care than the last. When you finally get everything undone and look at your gift you can't help but to think some questioning thoughts.
Inside the box lies another box. You take the mystery box out of the holding box and stare at it.

How do I open this? Maybe if I.... Hmmm? Ahh.

You see the hinges on the side, so you turn it over to see latches. When you unlatch the last latch, you open the box impatiently. When you do you see rows of paintbrushes, ranging in sizes. You close the box and look up at your mom.
"But Mom, I can't paint. I- I don't have paints. Or a canvas. And I I don't know how," you wonder if this was a mistake.
"I can show you how when we get to our New house,"

The last two presents ended up being a canvas and some paints, but what surprised you was that the paints had miraculous colours, Ironic shades of every colour, except red.

"Happy birthday, Y/N...."

Painting With The Echo ~~A Bloody Painter X Shy! Reader~~Where stories live. Discover now