A-Z D&D Creature And Race Sheets Creation, Stats: NPC, PC

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"For he will do
As he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!"
― T.S. Eliot, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats

Distracting Attention
Ligarians seek attention just like any other cat does. They can be arrogantly narcissistic, and combine a playful, mischievous nature with a casual cruelty and easy laziness that seems quite at odds with their playful air. Despite this, they have a deep and abiding need for love and affection, and will seek it wherever their travels take them.

Ligarians can live over 50 years or more, which gives them the need for more attention and love.

Friends And Clan
Almost every race is welcome to many ligarian settlements - just so long as they bring presents. Anything will do for this so-called "Gift of Greeting" - the shiner the better. Legends tell of an old Ordriey being abandoned and lost in the wilderness, happening upon a ligarian camp with nothing but his clothes, his pack, and a bundle of bright ribbons. On offering these ribbons, the clan insisted on treating him as a king, before assisting him on his journey home.

Ligarians once every now and then love to brew up a storm of trouble and show off for any attention - any at all, good or bad. Some races don't get along well with ligarians because of their dual-natured tendency to get cranky, and their deep-seated certainty that they are the most beautiful or handsome thing you will ever lay your eyes on. They are not fond of people who hate cats and kill them for the sport, but have the usual catlike ability to sense a person with allergies to their fur. These visitors usually find themselves surrounded by fawning, mischievous ligarian kits, much to their misery.
Clans usually have their own priorities and goals. Becoming the explorer of a clan is the culmination of a long and dangerous quest.
If they can prove their worthiness, skill in combat and their solo accomplished they may become a higher rank and - in rare cases - may even make you the leader of the clan.
A ligarian might one day decide "I'm tired of doing the same things and waiting and guarding my clan, I want to do something different to bring excitement."
Doing something different and unique is a way to earn a much more respectful place and ranking, as such deeds are more memorable than others. Doing something that is of the clans interest gives you more control. Starting on a dangerous quest on your own is something that gets others much more excited, it's honorable to do so.

Easy And Quick To Trust
Don't lose trust with a ligarian unless you want to lose an ally. In some cases a ligarian that finds itself opposed to you on a quest, or in seeking a prize, may attack you, but they are usually open to a quick call to duel instead. Ligarians, much like draemones, favor their natural weapons - claws and teeth. It is not uncommon for a ligarian to forsake all forged or crafted weapons in the heat of the moment, and pounce instead with their natural armaments.

Ligarians don't seem to fond towards dreamones, although this is matched by dreamones not being hugely enamored of ligarians themselves - they will most likely start up a fight against a ligarian for even a perceived insult.

ligarian Names
The naming of Ligarians is a difficult matter. They have three names - their everyday use, their secret, and their clan. The secret name is never shared with strangers, and often not even known by the clan. This is a name the ligarian earns for themself when they come of age, usually through some great feat or act of (self-confessed) brilliance. They are given their everyday use within the first six weeks of their birth. These names tend towards common words they have heard from travelers.
Male Names: Buzz, Dagon, Imhotep, Imp, Kitkat,
Female Names: Irene, Foxy, Snooze,
Clan Names: Swiftwind, Weederpaw,

All Ligarians have a variety of beautiful fur patterns : spiraled, any way you can think of it, straight stripes, sploches of different colors, etc... ligarian skin ranges from black, grey, to white color.

Ligarian Traits
Your ligarian character has certain traits in common with all other ligarians.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Dexterity score increase by 2, your Constitution and Charisma score increase by 1.

Age: Ligarians start to mature around 4 years of age, and are considered adult by the age of 12. Few ligarians live past 50.

Alignment: Most ligarians are of chaotic or nuetral alignment but some fall in the jumble of evil, by their nature most people assume all ligarians are evil because of their appearance and their sleekness of their bodies and sometimes of their hunting instinct. Smaller ligarians will often align with members of other races, and it's possible this image of the ligarian as even has its roots in the image of a warlock with a black cat at their side. Certainly, the black ligarian has come to be seen as symbolic of luck in many cultures, with the dreamone in particular seeing them as omens of bad luck, while the ordriey view them as exceptionally lucky.

Size: Ligarians can be of any height within a range of 1 foot and 8 feet heigh, and can weigh any amount of pounds, from 15 to 500, depending on your size. Your size can be from size tiny to large.

Speed: Your base walking speed can be from 20 to 35 feet depending on your size.

Claws of the Cat: You can choose to either have retractable or non-retractable claws. If you choose to have non-retractable claws you have a Speed increase of 40 feet. If you choose to have retractable claws you may have the ability to climb or swim. Climbing as the specialty gives you a Climb speed of 20+ your Strength Score or Dexterity Score. Swimming as the specialty gives you a swim speed of 20+ your Strength Score or Dexterity Score.

Feline Claws, (Retractable, Non-retractable): Your unarmed damage is increased from 1 to 1d4, and becomes slashing damage.

Feline Grace: If you fall, you are not considered prone on landing. Instead, you are considered to have landed on your feet. Damage is resolved as normal.

*Mighty Roar Of The Great Cat: If you are size Large or Medium you may have this trait. You have the mighty roar of any great cat. You gain advantage to Strength (Intimidation).

*Charm Purring: If you are size Medium, Small, or Tiny you have this trait. You have advantage against Fear checks and make non-aggressive humanoids adore you.

Language: You can speak and write in Common and ligarian.

Different Subraces of ligarian

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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