1. Hit The Road Jack - You Can Kiss My Ass Goodbye

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You cracked me up. Seriously. This is payback!

Credit goes to Victoria A.K.A Hooha84 for the title change.

Hit The Road Jack

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved

Part One - You Can Kiss My Ass Goodbye

I wasn't stupid.

I knew that something happened between him and my sister. I wasn't blind and their body language said it all.

The way he looked at her during family dinners, the way he gawked at her when she swayed her hips and the way my sister's sultry eyes batted a million times a minute at him (I could use a stopwatch if I wanted too) in an attempt to look flirtatious...?

However, one could not jump to conclusions. Who knows? maybe she was being nice or it was just her nature, seeing she is very expressive, but when I confronted my sister, her response was the biggest gut kicker in this god green Earth.

"Yes, something happened between me and your husband."

The nerve of that a$$hole.

I admit that our sex life was as dry as the Sahara desert, but what happened to 'honey, let's talk this out?' or 'I think we need to rekindle our romance'.

But instead, he went to boink my sister and had the nerve to ask for forgiveness?

Pfft! B!tch, please...

I'd rather have a root canal than forgive that cheating scumbag who couldn't keep it in his pants. To think I purchased two tickets for a two-week vacation to Bahamas in an attempt to at least save our marriage, but what the hell, what's the use?

He can take my sister, crawl under a metamorphic rock and go die.

I'll go on that vacation by myself and when I come back, I'll divorce his lying ass all the way to Timbaktu.

"Sheena?" he asked as he entered our bedroom. "Why are you packing?" I felt him standing behind me and grip my shoulders.

The heat of his body seeped into my back, and oh, how I wanted to lean back and feel that... hold that freaking phone, Sheena! You weren't supposed to melt like goo and have your slutty side take over. That's your sleazeball of a husband right there, so get back in the game and focus.

I snorted and shrugged his hands off. I didn't want his germs coating my delicate skin. "What's it look like, a-hole?"

"What do you mean?" he asked warily.

I stopped shoving my stuff in the suitcase and turned to face his lying face. "You think I don't know about you and my sister?" I said, poking his damn hard sexy chest. 

Concentrate, Sheena.

He looked nervous and at the same time, surprised that I knew his dirty little freaking secret hell, he should be."I don't know what you're talking about, honey," he said then looked way, his whole body was rigid as a stick.

Guilty as charged, huh?

"Don't you honey me," I seethed, glaring fiery holes into his eyes. "My sister told me and she felt bad about it..." I paused. "... well, she looked like it."

"Honey , I swear, it didn't mean a thing to me," he pleaded, holding on to my arm as though his life depended on it. "It was just a one time thing."

That pleading look almost - keyword there is almost - had me caved in, but the thought of him humping the living daylights out of my sister like a rabbit on red bull was just taking the piss.

Why couldn't he just keep his meatstick to where it belonged... inside... in his freaking pants!

I snorted. "It didn't mean a thing?" I asked sarcastically. "From what I heard, you were eager for seconds - no, cancel that, you were eager for third servings, the fourth, and fuck yeah, you enjoyed it and exploded like the fourth of July!" I growled, shaking my head. "God, I can't believe this... my own freaking sister."

My breathing was ragged and my anger was off the charts. For years I put up with his mood swings, his habits that I couldn't begin to swallow and demands that I couldn't say no to, but this? This was just too freaking fantastic. If you cheat on someone, then, what's the guarantee that he wouldn't do it again? 

Slim, right?

I loved him so damn much, but love was just a loose term. For him anyway, since he freaking boinked my sister.

I needed to get out of here and away from him.

With that, I turned around and stuffed the rest of my clothes, zipped it up and set it on the floor. With a sigh, I turned around to face him again. "I'm leaving you and when I return from my trip from Bahamas, the divorce papers will be ready with a shiny black pen to go along with. Oh and..." I raised my left hand, pulled out my wedding band and held it up his face. "... Here, I don't want this anymore. Hell, you can pawn it if you want for extra cash. You can even give this to my sister and I'm sure she wants to put this on her finger. I'll also throw in my wedding gown," then dropped it on the floor with a clink.

All he did was gape like a moron.

Pulling on my suitcase as I headed for the door, I pulled down my shades to my eyes, glance over my shoulder and said, "By the way, your hot brother will be coming with me on the trip. Too bad, I brought new sets of lingerie from Victoria's Secret and slinky two piece suits," I said, smirking like the devil. "Just too bad."

And with that, I walked out.

You can kiss my a$$ goodbye, hubby dearest.

To be continued...

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