Like A Rose

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The melody of a grand piano filled every corner of a ball room, as woman clad in their best attire swayed their bodies to the music. It was if the notes had taken over their souls and controlled their every movement. Their dresses flowed in every direction they turned, as delicate as flower petals in every color. Men dressed in class, trying to impress anyone who was nearby.  Everything and everyone was alive and was filled with Great Spirit. Each individual beautiful face was all hidden behind masks that held their darkest secrets. One face in particular, was more beautiful than all. Her mask, painted in the finest gold’s and silver’s couldn’t reflect what she hid underneath. Her eyes saw all, watching everyone in the room, picking out the smallest of details. “She’s trying too hard to impress her partner,” “He doesn’t seem to be watching her, let alone acknowledging her presence,” “She seemed to have lost her sense of rhythm.” Her thoughts read. Little did she know she was being watched herself.

            From the shadows, a mysterious figure seemed to be looming. Not fazed by the many dancers before him and being unapproachable he knows he is well hidden. His eyes scanned the area before him. Taking in the detail of all those around him; as if he were looking beyond their masks and taking in every little secret. Memorizing it all; ready to be used against them. The thought amused him, bringing a mischievous smirk upon his handsome face. He wore a mask himself to fit amongst the crowd. It was pure white, unlike his soul. That was when he saw her. Her black as night hair, cascaded down her back in curls. Her corset held tight against her chest, as the skirt of her dress flowed beautifully down to the floor. The hues of red’s and oranges complemented her porcelain white skin. Her eyes shined brightly behind her mask. He couldn’t read her, which was making him only to want her more. His eyes followed her every movement, she was alone as well. No one approached her; they all knew who she was. Her beauty can be seen even behind the mask she wore.

            She began to notice the sudden change in atmosphere; she knew that she had caught the attention of a mysterious stranger. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him watching her. Appalled at first but began to relax and act as though it were nothing. Never before had she seen a man with such secrecy. “Who could he be? And why would he be staring with such intent?” Even from afar she could see the intensity in his dark eyes. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, as her thoughts raced from one to another. “Are you alright?” She stood paralyzed in place. It was a voice her ears couldn’t recognize. Slowly she turned, to come face-to-face with the anonymous man. Her throat ran dry, as she tried to find her words but came up short. This seemed to amuse him. “What is your name?” There was a slight pause. “Beautiful mistress,” His voice only made her heart beat even louder.

            “Ca- Carmen.” She cursed under her breath for her stutter, and for a small second she swore she saw a gleam in his eyes. “Well Carmen, I bet you look even lovelier without that mask to hide upon? Shall we go somewhere, more private?” She was hesitant at first, but nodded as she led him to the garden. The moon shone high in the young night sky. The din of crickets and water dripping into a small pool from a forgotten fountain filled the emptiness. The pair stopped before a rose bush, as moonlight cast shadows all around them. “I never seemed to have gotten your name?” Carmen said, to the inexplicable handsome man standing before her. Something about him seemed to draw her closer. She felt as if she wanted to know him more. “Don’t worry darling, a name isn’t of importance as of right now.” He stared down at her, her eyes showed both fear and curiosity. This only amused him further; she was just a mere pawn in his complex game of chess.

            With that he stole a quick kiss. It was subtle, sweet, but very deadly. He pulled away smiling coldly as if in victory. Her face was emotionless. “Who are you?” The words came out as a whisper from her red lips. He turned away from her, picking up a single rose and placing it into her open palm. “You can say I am like a rose, both beautiful to look at and yet deadly to touch.” She closed her hand around a small thorn, and felt the sharp point pierce her soft skin. It was as if she wasn’t herself, like someone had taken over her body and she couldn’t turn away. “Soon we will meet again, my sweet Carmen.” He kissed her hand, slowly backed away from her and disappeared amongst the shadows. Her eyes were empty as she watched him go. It just so happened that the single kiss he stole from her held both her heart and soul. All she held left was the rose that soon wilted black in her hand. No words could escape her parted lips. Only one thought remained in her mind. “Until we meet again...”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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